Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. (v.16 NKJV)
Over the years, hardware technologies have seen different softwares to drive it. Software is the program that runs the hardware. The core of the software is the operating system (OS); it is the life of any hardware before other applications could work with it. Gone are the days of Microsoft Windows DOS and other OS to drive the then technology. Now, MS windows, Apple, Linux, Unix  and others have been improved on and the ‘android’ has joined to drive smart phones. GOD never allows our lives to be run under the influence of the ‘old man’ too; HE gave us Jesus Christ, who eventually gave us the Holy Spirit to work with. I pray that your life will receive the needed transformation by the power in the life and the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the savior. Amen!
In this new life, you do not own yourself, you have been purchased unto GOD. The Spirit of the LORD must be the one operating in you to live and to please GOD. Of a truth, the old things that were worldly (not beneficial and very corrupt) must no longer be known in you; they must be wiped or formatted from your life by the blood of the lamb and a new operating system must be injected into you. You must be born-again through faith in Jesus Christ. You must have in you a new operating system.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. – You should no longer operate in the old; you should no longer live by the old style. You should be able to forgive others easily as the LORD through Jesus Christ simply forgives you as you turn truthfully to Him. You should be able to freely love as the Spirit leads you to. You should be in the business of getting others to know GOD through Jesus Christ, just as you have known HIM.  
What is your decision today? Who is running your life now? 
Do not be deceived; to remain in the old nature of the flesh is very dangerous. GOD loves you HE needs HIS Spirit in you.
Thank GOD for HIS love for you and HIS plans to see you live victorious life in this world. Holy Spirit, please, fill us now!


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