The secret of the Lord is with those in whose hearts is the fear of him; he will make his agreement clear to them. (v.14 BBE)
I trust that as you lift your soul to GOD this time, may HE flood your life with resounding testimonies of HIS goodness. May sorrow, pains, and all forms of displeasure flee from you. May you know the power of redemption of GOD in Jesus name.
The Psalmist poured out his heart to the LORD his GOD. He knew where the help he needed in the time of trouble can come from. May be he had tried reporting his issues to other people and he had been disappointed on several occasions; this time, his face and faith is set on the GOD who can help and give total victory in all issues. I trust that you are doing the needful now – you are committing your case to GOD in the name of Jesus Christ. Please believe this, your hope will not fade and your faith shall be righteously rewarded as you cling to GOD through Christ.
Beloved, the secret of the LORD is truly revealed to those who fear HIM and make it a regular duty to seek HIS face. The issues of our lives are not hidden to GOD and the solutions are with HIM too. Fear GOD, obey HIS commandments; love HIM dearly; seek HIM regularly and let HIM direct your path in truth. Your prayers are also made right when you are led by HIS Spirit. 
Do you know that several secrets are being revealed in the Holy Scriptures (the Bible)? Do you know that GOD is willing to speak to your heart and hears as you press for HIM in your closet?
I am trusting the LORD that as you get closer to HIM, HE reveals every secret work of the enemy going on in and around you. May HE deliver you from every distress and free you from shame.
Beloved, set your eyes on the LORD, and the power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead shall deliver you from all evil nets, Do not let your heart be burdened by the troubles or the load of cares; lay all at the feet of the LORD and get HIS secrets to victory. Let the power of redemption in Jesus Christ work in you.
Learn the habit of praising GOD for all things. Ask for thorough cleansing of your heart and the purification of your soul in the blood of Jesus Christ. Ask the LORD to show you what to do in your situation. Peace be with you.


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