Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; (v.14 NKJV)
Times are changing, events are changing, seasons are changing; people are changing (some for good and others to bad), but GOD never changes; HE remains the same even when HE permits other things to change. HE is the creator of all things and the secret to all existence is with HIM. At HIS word things were set in order and those that were not came into being. May you have great encounter this season with the unchanging changer; may HE command great change(s) for good in your affairs and situations; may you be better in Jesus name. Amen! 
GOD cannot change, but HE can change things. Initially, the earth that was said to be without form and in a chaotic manner; but at the command of GOD, the lights came, the firmament or sky came into being; the waters took their positions and vegetations sprang up from the ground. The shapeless and chaotic earth is now changed such that life came forth from it.
The Almighty GOD, the unchanging changer, knew what was good for the earth and HE commanded, and different things came forth to make the earth a place to live. This I believe formed the difference between the planet earth and others. You are very special being too, GOD knows what is good to make things better for you, and I know that by HIS grace in Jesus Christ HE will perfect all that concern you. You are the works of HIS hands just like the earth and everything in it are. GOD had sent Jesus Christ to help put things back in the right order after the Satanic manipulations in the Garden of Eden; and as you receive the gift of Jesus Christ into your life and affairs, may every event begin to bring forth favorable results for you. Your ground shall yield good vegetation; your season shall take good turning for your good; the heaven over you will not hold back favorable rain; may GOD’S light that shatters darkness shine in you and your life must be separated from every disorderliness.
Commit yourself afresh to GOD. Pray that HIS Word come upon all that concern you for good and for great change(s). May God influence the season to bring for you it's blessing in Jesus name Amen!


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