Meanwhile a prophet came to Ahab king of Israel and announced, "This is what the LORD says: 'Do you see this vast army? I will give it into your hand today, and then you will know that I am the LORD.'" (v.13 NIV)
GOD is speaking, may you hear HIM well. As the heaven, the sky and the earth declare the glory of the LORD, I trust that you shall show forth HIS praise and glory too. May you see HIS favour and help all round you in Jesus Christ name. Amen!
Benhadad and the Syrians besieged Ahab and his people; but GOD sent a word of comfort for strength through HIS prophet. Ahab the king acted on this word and he made the right advances to occupy what the LORD had promised through the mouth of HIS prophet. A better prophet has come; He has with Him your healing and deliverance. The direction for your movement is with Him; you need to respond to His call today. Jesus Christ is the real prophet; He is interested in your well being; He knows what you are going through. He would not want you to look around and see the likes of the armies of the enemy; He would not you to continue to see the load of debts, pain and the sicknesses. He would not want you to dwell in fear and continue to see failure. Jesus Christ wants you to look to Him and be saved. He wants you to hear the word of GOD through Him. There shall be deliverances today, GOD shall deliver you from the hand and mouth of the likes of wolves; and HE will deliver into your hand the good treasures in the hand of the enemy. Do not ask how this will be, only submit to every instruction from the mouth of the LORD and have faith in HIS Christ’s ability to help you. This is the set time for your favor!
GOD raised young officers for the deliverance of Ahab and his people from the hand of Benhadad and his army. GOD has organized your salvation in the death of Christ on the cross and his victory in the grave; no force of the enemy shall hold you captive again; the nets of the wicked are broken loose from around you; the chains of death and pain around you are shattered. The burden on your shoulders is lifted; you make good progress and you will not go back in Jesus Holy name. Amen!


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