For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes. (v.26 NKJV)
I desire a continuous relationship with the Mighty GOD and Jesus Christ and I know HE will not deny me as I seek HIM in the way as I feel led by HIS Holy Spirit. How about you?
Some people desired to be connected to others because of the influence these people command in the society; but GOD desires to be connected to all people, and that all people be connected to HIM because HE commanded the greatest of all influences.
Jesus Christ had a supper with His fellows about the time He was to be crucified and He commanded His Disciples to keep on the communion so that they may continually be reminded of His sufferings and His death. The Apostles got the message and they did their best to share it among their followers. But at Corinth, the story became different; the body of believers had turned the Lord’s command to disjointed meal without proper fellowship or communion. The people could not relate with one another righteously and they would not have true communion with the Christ of GOD. The wrong seed was sown and what used to be a soberly, righteous and glorious practice became a ‘malpractice’. And they continued in this to their own detriment.
Do you know that the Lord ordered our coming together for fellowship and true communion with Him? Christ would want to dine with His people and make them live for Him by their faith.
Apostle Paul saw something wrong in the communion practice of this people at Corinth, many people and leaders could not see it. When you come together in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, do you break bread and share the Holy wine together to remind yourselves of what Jesus did on the way to and at Calvary? Please, ensure that you do not lose the potency of the Holy Communion. Do not take it to your weakness, judgment and destruction. Let the door of your heart be truly opened for the Lord to come in and dine with you so that sin, its effects and sicknesses may be broken from you and you may be refreshed in and strengthened in your faith on Jesus’ death and resurrection.
May you be a partaker in the home of glory with Christ.


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