Now Ben-Hadad king of Aram mustered his entire army. Accompanied by thirty-two kings with their horses and chariots, he went up and besieged Samaria and attacked it. (v.1 NIV)
By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, the light of GOD must shine on you and shatter every form of darkness in and around you; the enemy shall no longer exact, outwit and afflict you; the wicked one shall not prevail again in all that concern you. May the Lord anoint you and lift your hand to victory in Jesus name.
King Benhadad of Syria felt very influential in those times; he gathered up strength and besieged Samaria. He made unrighteous demands from Ahab, the king of his people; and at a time when this demand was getting too much for Ahab to comply with; he rebelled and denied Benhadad his requests. This is how the enemy of our soul treats us; once he can have a way into a territory, he will continue to make unrighteous demands. Many people have been enslaved in his demands; they do not know the way out. Fear had gripped many hearts and they could no longer reason and act right and well. There is hope in Christ!
You must get to a point in your life where you stand against all the evil demands upon your life. There must be a time to turn away from the curse(s); there must be a time to say “NO’ to all pressures of the corrupt tendencies in your life. The person given to drunkenness can be delivered; the one given to sexual immoralities have a chance with Jesus Christ. The thief can be empowered against this evil and live righteous and well. The evil trend of falling regularly into debt can be cured. That habitual sin has a solution; you only need to recognize this solution. Here is Jesus Christ; HE is GOD’S gift for our help; He is the solution and the sure fighter; He is the One you need and the enemy can no longer exact upon you when you have Christ as your Lord.
I pray that you will be bold to say “yes” to righteousness, and “no” to all that is ungodly and unlawful. Pray that the shackles of sin and all unrighteousness be broken from you. Pray that help will come for those who live in fear and under the shadow of death. May the LORD organize your healing and deliverance from all troubling issues today. Amen!


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