Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. (vv.23,24KJV)
Jesus Christ the great teacher! The Sermon on the Mount is often termed as the manual for true Christian living; and this may not be disputed. Take time to study the entire sermon contained in the Chapters 5,6,and 7 of the Gospel according to Matthew.
Jesus was bold to declare that He did not come to destroy the law and the prophets, but to fulfill them. I hope you are not one of those who instead of preaching the Gospel of Salvation in Christ, go about speaking against other preachers or churches, thereby making yourself to be about the only righteous person. This is not about speaking against falsehood and deceits and every wrong doctrine and propagators of lies in the name of religion; it is about your stand in Jesus Christ and the true message He preaches. Do you have them established in you? Do your walk and work according as you have been instructed from the Scriptures? 
There were things in the law to guide the affairs of the people, but there are the teachings of Christ to explain what the law speaks of and make you realize the spirit that can help you act rightly. 
Beloved, are you correct in this way or path that you have been following all this while? Do you observe Jesus’ teaching about the acceptable sacrifice or offering? This comes from an obedient, responsible and a humble heart. The heart that is not proud to admit wrong and to say “I am sorry” when the need arises. The heart that will not want any offence against its personality; but will rather be seeking reconciliation even when he is right on the matter. Do you see yourself qualified to receive blessing from GOD as you present yourself before Him in Church or fellowship? What about the words that come out of your mouth when you claim you were angry or hurt by others? Are you correct in your ways? The Kingdom of heaven is at hand!Soberly ask the LORD to work on your heart and mouth. Pray that HIS Spirit fills you and guide your ways henceforth. May the grace of Christ be with you and help you.


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