And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body as now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; (vv.19, 20 KJ2000)
My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus Blood and righteousness. I dare not trust my sweetest  frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name… On Christ the solid Rock I stand…..
GOD is good, and HIS mercy endures forever. GOD’S mercy has been keeping you, so, do not let go of it. May you see the travails of your heart getting the desired results in accordance to the will of GOD in Christ Jesus. It shall be well with you. Amen!
Beloved of GOD, do you have a promise of GOD not yet fulfilled in your life? Do you look around and it seems there is no answer coming as per that prayer request(s)? Do you feel so troubled or pressured that you think your faith can no longer carry you on, or that you may need to consider some alternatives others who feel concerned about your plight has brought? You may need to settle down for a while on this chapter in the letter to the Roman church. May be you have heard many stories about the faith of father Abraham, or about other people of faith in the Holy Bible, and you have tried to have the kind of faith they had, but it seems nothing is working as you have expected, please hold on.
The world may be coming to an end truly, the time of your life is in the hand of your maker, and HE will make all things work together for your good as HE makes all things beautiful for you in HIS own time and season. You need not be weak in the faith that you have in Christ Jesus. There is a true and unfailing promise of GOD in and through Christ; I trust that you have received it, then do not let anything (or event, or circumstance or person(s)) deny you of its fulfillment. Do not stagger at the promise of GOD through unbelief, be strong in your faith in HIS word and HIS Christ, giving glory to HIM all the way and all the time. Hold on friend, your reward is near, the answer is very close to manifest.
By the grace of GOD in Jesus Christ, may there be an encouragement to your belief, may you see GOD’S help now.


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