You shouldn't have taken advantage of my people when their lives had fallen apart. You of all people should not have been amused by their troubles, their wrecked nation. You shouldn't have taken the shirt off their back when they were knocked flat, defenseless. (v.13 MSG)
Dear LORD, be glorified in our lives; and be magnified above every other in our hearts and situations. Let your praise continually be in our mouths; and let grace abound in us to love one another as you would want us to. Thank you GOD in Jesus name. Amen!
The message of the LORD came strongly upon Edom for failing to be his brother’s keeper. He did not come to the aid of his brother when it mattered most; and rather than help in the time of need, he mocked and joined others to mock and persecute his brother. He was more like an enemy than a friend to a covenant partner. He failed to understand the programme of GOD for his fellow. GOD’S judgment is near and the people of Zion shall be delivered and made to possess all they thought they have lost.
There is a problem when we fail to recognize our brethren and neighbour. There is a problem when we join others to bring down our brethren and neighbour instead of being there to help and to raise to dwelt securely. There is a problem when we rejoice at the mistakes, the weaknesses and the punishments of others. OUR GOD would want us to be one another’s keeper in every way: praying for one another, encouraging one another; defending where the need arises; counseling and supporting in righteousness at all points. It is the enemy that seeks the downfall, destruction and death of others. Be on GOD’S side.  
There are several things to learn from the relationship between Jacob and Esau, and between the generations of the Edomites and the Israelites. Let the true love of GOD flow from you to others; connect your generation to the truth and life in Christ. Stand on the mountain Zion and receive the needed deliverance for you and all yours. Through Christ Jesus, possess your possessions; let the enemy hands-off your lot and be at peace! 
You may need to ask for forgiveness from someone or you may need to forgive; do it in love. May the Holy Spirit lead your way in the path of good success and prosper you in Jesus name.


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