And Moses said to the Lord, O Lord, I am not a man of words; I have never been so, and am not now, even after what you have said to your servant: for talking is hard for me, and I am slow of tongue. (v.10 BBE)
GOD is able to do what HE says HE would do. Do not give up on HIM, because HE has not given up on you. As you have the opportunity to behold the nature around, then be filled with full assurance of GOD”S presence in your situation, and know that something good and very great will happen soon in Jesus name.   
I am thrilled, encouraged and made strong in faith as I read through this passage of the Holy Scriptures. Meditate carefully on this Moses-GOD discussion or chat. While Moses was giving excuses to escape being the messenger to the children of Israel in the bondage of the Egyptians, GOD was revealing HIMSELF more and more to him (Moses). Moses had forgotten that the ONE sending him knew his weaknesses and strength, and HE knew how to help him accomplish the task. Do you know that GOD knows you too well? HE knows all that you will need to accomplish every set task in HIS will. Do not feel discouraged by the limitations you feel or by what you see. Do not let the mistakes of others set you back. Hold on to GOD by faith in Jesus Christ. Believe HIM that HE will help you and strengthen you. HE will not let you down, neither will HE let you be ashamed.
Friend, the maker is at work concerning your case; HE is working on the situation, even in a way you have not known before. Do that which is expected of you; do not give excuses. It is possible!
Do acknowledge the different people that GOD has set aside to be helpers for you in your set task; be encouraged by them, and encourage them too. Work together in love and do not grieve the Spirit of GOD; let the LORD have HIS way in all matters.
It is time to go forth in the name of the LORD. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is available to lead your life henceforth. Submit completely to Him. It is time to preach the GOSPEL; it is time to set the captives free. It is time to heal the broken hearted. Go forth now!
Plead for mercy where you have been stubborn in obeying the instruction of GOD. May you find fulfillment in Jesus Christ.


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