Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. (v.3 NKJV)
The LORD commanded the day to break, the sun to shine in its time, the moon and the stars to bring forth their lights at their appointed seasons and all these (and many more) obey HIM. I trust this GOD has commanded life and blessings for you today, and nothing shall stop you from having life and being blessed. It is the season of the LORD, rejoice and be glad in Jesus name.
GOD labored to bring every creation into existence, and HE does not want us to be lazy. HE knew from the beginning what the programme of our lives shall be, and HE made provisions for our well-being. The devil also knows this and he is laboring night and day to see that the LORD’S work is spoilt and condemned. I know that every effort of his over or concerning you shall not prevail because of Jesus Christ. Concerning you and all that are with you, Satan is a loser; and the LORD shall rejoice over you.
This is one of the reasons the LORD commanded rest; a time to cease from labor and be refreshed in the body and spirit. If GOD who is the Supreme Being had rest and commanded it, you have no excuse to fail in seeking out time to rest, fellowship with GOD in your spirit, receive new strength in your body and be well. Do you have a break or a holiday in your programme? What is the justification for your ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to this question? How do you observe rest? GOD needs you to be like HIM in all purposes.
GOD is so loving and caring that HE designed a perfect way for us to live in good health and in wealth. HE knows what we need and HE is the one that can make our way prosperous. Have you tried to reason and check the outcome of your efforts in labor, in health and in wealth? Do you observe that hard labor does not always result in good success or prosperity? Think on this!
GOD blessed the rest day and sanctified it; HE will us bless you in your labor. HE wants you sanctified and be dedicated to HIM. 
Pray that your labor will receive the blessing of the Almighty. Pray that you and those with you will not fail in any of GOD’S commands again. May you be watered in Jesus name.


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