"But if it were I, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.(vv.8,9 NIV)
What a mighty GOD we serve… Heaven and Earth adore HIM, Angels bow before HIM.. Every unpleasant situation in our lives shall surrender to HIS name and we shall praise HIM forever!
Many times, we were faced with terrible situations, and people around would find it difficult to help; but GOD in HIS power would raise help in HIS own way. HE has not stopped working wonders, and I know HE will raise help for you in HIS own way.
To believe in someone with financial or people influence is not strange, but how far can they go when the situations turn beyond their influence. What happens when any of these influential personalities are faced with sickness or death that would not make them consider others (because they needed help then too). But consider the mighty GOD that we serve, no sickness can affect HIM and no death can overpower HIM. Then like Job was advised, make your appeal to HIM who will perform great wonders that cannot be searched out for you. Do you believe HIM?
GOD’S word is true; the Holy Scriptures by the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit was penned down for you and for me to believe in. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the entire Scriptures, Believe in Him. This mighty GOD who delivers rain on the earth, and makes waters to flow in the fields will water you and perform great things for you. Deliver your case to HIM by faith in Jesus Christ. Let no sin or guilt deter you; dealt with it and obtain mercy that flows in the blood of Jesus Christ. Speak to the LORD now.
Many things that we struggle with or labour for can be handled with no stress, no cost, but in simple faith action in the Christ of GOD. This season shall not go without you enjoying GOD’S love.  
By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, your days of mourning and pains shall be ended; your strength will be renewed. Gainful employment or good admission into good institution of learning shall you be (or your fellow) be favored with. Promotion shall no longer be denied you. Every device of the enemy against you are turned down and destroyed.  Hallelujah!


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