Do not make attempts to get equal with one who has done you wrong, or keep hard feelings against the children of your people, but have love for your neighbour as for yourself: I am the Lord. (v.18 BBE)
Dear LORD, keep us in good understanding of your law, and help our hearts to meditate fully and regularly on your words. Thank you for your mercy and love; may we truly love you and others as you would want us to in Jesus Christ name. Amen!
If we have the true knowledge and good understanding of the word of GOD, and we flow well in grace by faith in Jesus Christ to observe to do all that is commanded by GOD, then we shall have peace and soundness in our society and among our people. Let us pray that everyone one with and around us flow in this truth. We need to dwell in true love and live in good peace.
Look carefully into these instructions that were passed as laws, do not just brush through them; if we are conscious to abide by them, no one will hurt the other. Do not be cruel to anyone; even anyone living in sin should be corrected in love. Do not cheat others. Do not curse and never fail to bless even those who persecute you and despitefully use you. This may sound impossible, yet it is possible – not by power, nor by might but by the Spirit of the Lord. Just understand how the Holy Spirit helps our heart when we give our hearts to Him. You will discover that your mind will know no peace when you fail to act well to your neighbor or his goods. The Holy Spirit will trouble your mind, and when you are willing and obedient you will enjoy His peace. 
Beloved, do you love GOD and HIS Christ? Are you willing to live to please HIM in all your ways? Then it is time for real action. Reach out to that neighbor in love. What good thing have you not done for your neighbor all this while, and it is in your capacity to do, begin to act accordingly from now. Do not be foolish; I believe GOD’S grace is available to help you. You can do things right with your neighbor. You can do better than you have been doing. Communicate the life of Christ to your neighbor today.
Thank GOD for HIS grace and love available to you. Pray that hatred, jealousy and pride be completely removed from you. May GOD bless you in all your righteous moves. Amen.


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