"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (v.33 NKJV)
Great is GOD’S faithfulness; because of HIS mercies that are new every morning are we not destroyed. HE changes times and seasons, but HE remains the same yesterday, today and forever. By HIS grace and mercy this time, this season and at this hour, may every trouble, pain, discomfort, affliction and displeasure be scattered, shattered and broken from you. May you know true peace from this moment onward. It is well with you in Jesus name.
I want to plead with you to hold steadfastly to the words of Grace from Christ Jesus in this Gospel passage; it is possible that you have been asking several things (or one thing) from GOD; and may be you have lost the strength and boldness to ask; the command to you this time is that you Ask GOD, the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. I do not doubt this instruction and I believe it is done. Amen!
The whole world is looking for peace; and several United Nations organizations have not brought the required peace to every troubled region. The Common wealth of Nations, the peace-keeping forces, and several other groups with serious innovations and inventions through science and technology have got no good and permanent solution, even now. We all need to recognize the ‘Prince of Peace’, Jesus Christ – in Him is TRUE peace; in the world we have only found tribulations, wars, wickedness, iniquity and weapons of destruction through science.
Jesus Christ have said a lot about the current state of things in the entire world; why have we not considered these words? We should pity ourselves? Rather, we rejoice in the revelations and other discoveries made in the Holy Scriptures. You need this Bible as your true companion; let the Holy Spirit just have the permission to operate fully in you; you shall never be the same again. Every department of your life shall be touched for good!
Dear wonderful and loving GOD, ourselves and everything about us are opened to your ministrations now; do have your way and let there be joy and peace in our hearts, in Jesus name.


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