Then He said to Abram: "Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years. (v.13 NKJV) 
To be certain is to be sure and without doubt. By the name of Jesus Christ which is exalted above of all names, may every evil bow before you; may your weakness be gone and your strength be renewed; may you have sure assurance of GOD’S fulfillment of HIS promises to you and to your family. To GOD be the glory!
GOD called Father Abraham for a rich blessing. Years after, it does not seem to be materializing. GOD spoke to him again and he believed GOD such that it was counted to him for right standing before GOD. Help us LORD to certainly believe in YOU.
After GOD’S assurance of the fulfillment of HIS promise to Abraham, as he was waiting, he fell asleep; yet, GOD would still speak to him and eventually made a covenant with him.
As you wait on GOD for the fulfillment of HIS promise(s) to you and to your family, do you see yourself going down in strength or in hope or in faith? Is your mind saying to you that hope deferred makes the heart sick? Are you suddenly growing weary and angry? Are you already considering the words of men in their foolishness that we termed wise? I want you to come round in faith. Look unto Jesus Christ; HE is the assurance of our faith in GOD. In HIM GOD did not fail; therefore, know that certainly GOD will not fail to do what HE has promised to do. HE will not fail to help you this time (and always). HE will certainly save you!
Times may be heard; the season may be tough; certainly GOD will not fail to do what will continually exalt HIS name above all others. There is no other GOD like HIM and HIS Christ. No other!
Know certainly that there is a new and better covenant that is sealed by the Blood of Redemption through Christ, and as you faithfully hold on to this truth, you will not be disappointed.
Know certainly that the Kingdom of Heaven is yours in Christ.
Pray that your faith and someone’s faith will be helped today.  Pray that someone will divinely meet the hope of Salvation today. May the hand of revival touch us; may there be a lift in our trust and service to GOD through Jesus Christ. Amen!


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