Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence, (v.1 KJV)
Dear LORD, we make our prayers to you; just look on us in mercy and attend to the cries of our heart. The days, the seasons and the times are under your control, but let this be the set time to favor us and help us as you have promised. The troubles of our heart are increased; only bring your people out of our distresses. Let pains go; let sighs ceased; let hope be renewed; let our weaknesses receive strength. Please LORD, let there be true dispensation of justice for the oppressed and let those who are pressed be lifted in Jesus Christ name. Amen!
GOD is not unjust; and our righteousness are not good enough to help us before HIM. But GOD is good all the time and HIS mercy endures to all generations. Those who seek HIM rightly will find HIM and those who wait on HIM shall not be disappointed. You can lay hold on the mercy that flows in the Blood of Jesus Christ today and spread your arms to seek the face of GOD in prayers. GOD is waiting and looking to see if you will believe in HIM and call on HIM in the name of Jesus Christ.
This people in the days of Prophet Isaiah were pressed, oppressed and afflicted because of their sins. Their leaders sinned and the followers did same. It was like GOD turned HIS face away from them; and they knew this. Thank GOD that some of them still knew the GOD that delivered in Egypt and led through the Red Sea. That GOD is ever alive to hear their cries.
Do not forget this - For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.- I trust HE will do amazing things for you as you lift up your hands and send your voice in prayers in Jesus name.
I may not know the burdens or load you are bearing; I may not know the troubling issues in your heart; but I do know the Father who is your maker and I know HE will make you rejoice in the name of HIS beloved Son, Jesus Christ, henceforth. Halleluiah!
Please intercede for people that are being denied justice (in any form). Pray the light of GOD shine on every darkness around us.


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