Sarai said to Abram, "GOD has not seen fit to let me have a child. Sleep with my maid. Maybe I can get a family from her." Abram agreed to do what Sarai said. (v.2 MSG)
Hallowed be your name dear LORD. May you reign supreme forever over us and all that concern us, You are great; no one compares with you, and no one can question your authority. You are our GOD and Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour forever.
I will implore you to worship GOD in a different way today; put aside your complaints; do not look at your failures or weaknesses, and do not permit anything or anyone to remind you of how good or bad you feel you are. There is a promise of GOD to be with you always, just believe HIM and stay with HIM too. 
At a point in the journey of life of mother Sarai (later named Sarah), she remembered her barrenness and she gave father Abram (later called Abraham) a quick suggestion and her own worked-out solution. We were not told in the Bible that father Abram fought against this; but we learnt of the answer that came their way by the immediate pregnancy of Hagar. What would have brought joy, brought hatred and sorrow instead. Dear friend, hold it a moment, have you decided to try another means to get solution for your issue? Have you been negatively pressing your spouse, friend or parent to help solve your case? Do you think the LORD’S promise is long delayed and you cannot wait any longer? GOD is never (too) late and HE cannot fail in the fulfillment of HIS promises to anyone. You have joy!
Some of us never exhibit our true character until the triggering-event takes place. Hagar was not a rude and proud slave girl until she got what her mistress was yet to have. Some people are not proud and abusive until they got to a position of authority or they felt they had what others around them had not. Check yourself, do you truly have Christ nature in you, or are you pretending? You cannot hide for long, something will find you out.
There is a solution to every mistake, Jesus Christ is the answer!
Turn to the LORD for mercy in every area you have made mistake. Repent and ruggedly have faith in Christ. You shall be helped; you shall not be put to shame in Jesus name.


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