After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. (v.1 KJV) 
By the grace of the LORD in Jesus Christ, this day shall be a wonderful one for you; you shall experience GOD in HIS goodness and wonders and HE shall make your heart glad. May you see HIM clearer than before; may you hear HIM more audibly than ever; and may you be empowered to serve HIM better than other times. May GOD’S glory shine on you and through you to clear shame, reproach, disappointments, cure sickness and bring you promotion in HIS rank in Jesus name.
The great GOD, after careful search among HIS creatures, found Abram (also called Abraham) from many lots; HE called him out and led him to another land he showed had him. Abram was with a wife (I do not know how many years in marriage), but there was not a child from their union; yet this man followed GOD and had hope that HE who gave a big land and promised to make it a generation inheritance would definitely give the children that would make the land their heritage. But years after, no show!
Have you been trusting GOD for the fulfillment of HIS promise(s)? Having you been waiting all this while for that promotion, success or victory? Have you been in the waiting for the manifestation of a godly spouse or for child(ren)? May be it is about an issue in your health; and for this you have been fasting and praying; I pray that GOD will do something more assuring this time and it shall be well. This is not about your spiritual exercise; but hold on to GOD for who HE is and for HIS Christ.
I do not know GOD’S criteria for choosing Abram, but I believed GOD had something in him that others were not having. May GOD find you out among others for a blessing; may HE be able to count on you for HIS great assignment as HE trusted Jesus Christ.
Beloved, believe the LORD for what you trust HE will do; do not attach any condition to your service to HIM and HIS Christ; HE will surely help you in HIS time and you will not be ashamed.
Be glad to praise and pray not only for yourself, but also others in critical situations. Dear LORD, we trust you in Jesus name.


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