"These are some of the minor things he does, merely a whisper of his power. Who can understand the thunder of his power?" (v.14 NLT)
Awesome GOD, Mighty GOD, we give you praise. You are highly lifted; your name is gloriously proclaimed; blessed be your name.
Job was seriously tormented by the enemy, Satan; he did not know how his affliction came because he thought he had done all things right before his maker. His friends too could not decipher the challenges before him; so their words to comfort him was rather hurting job than helping Him. I pray that you will not lose the right comforting words during the periods of your challenges.
More importantly friend, learn to see GOD in the midst of any storm of life or challenge(s) that confronts you. You are blessed!
When the friends of Job could not offer answer to his issues, Job remembered the infinite and unsearchable power of GOD. He did not close his mouth, he declared it for all to hear (even when he knew that his friends understood what he was talking about).
Truly friend, GOD’S power is unlimited and one cannot search it all out, but it is good for one to acknowledge what you see and know of GOD every passing moment in life. You should not be ignorant of this at any point in time in all of your issues. What can you say of GOD and HIS power in your life and situation this time? Are you of encouragement to someone around you? 
Now, instead of seeing and feeling the pressing issues that you are faced with, begin to declare the great power of GOD that you have witnessed; talk about how the day breaks and the night comes at HIS command. Declare how the LORD has been in the control of the seasons and the times. Has the clouds drop down rains or it has been windy or stormy at your end? All these are the works of the unlimited GOD. By HIS power, the storms calm, the heat subsides and will give way to comforting coolness.
Beloved, GOD in HIS great power allowed Jesus Christ to be crucified on the cross, and HE raised him from the dead the third day. By HIS love and power HE gave HIS Spirit to be with us.
May the great power of GOD rescue you from the storms afflicting and affecting you. May you experience more of unlimited power of GOD in Jesus name. Amen.


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