Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. (v.1NKJV)
Let us bless the name of the LORD for this time in our lives. I pray that the LORD will be pleased to comfort, strengthen and bless your efforts at work or school today. May this be a day with good profit unto you. May you be of blessing to others in Jesus name. 
GOD laid a foundation for rest when it was recorded that HE rested on the seventh day after six days of intense creation (even by the power of HIS word). Health professionals also advocate proper exercise and rest for truly healthy living. The struggle-to-survive or the race-to-make-it as we have in our societies in this generation calls for concern; as people get engaged in every means possible not just to live or make a living but to get rich quick (even at the expense of others). These efforts have taken adequate sleep from the eyes of many and had reduced time to relate or fellowship with the Maker and HIS Christ. Many families are suffering and crises are not ending because the members have not discovered GOD’S secret for true rest. Yet, there is a promised rest of GOD. This is more than taking a nap or resting after a while of labor efforts; it is about GOD factor in getting satisfaction, prosperity and good success in every effort set on every righteous labour. This far outweighs what you earn as wages, or what you have been able to make from your income; it is about GOD’S blessing on your simple efforts. It is about having a good home and living healthily the LORD’S way.  
There is a promised rest, you can believe, respond and obtain it; some others have not believed or obeyed the word of this promise and they fail to enter into this rest of GOD. Jesus Christ is the provision of GOD for this promised rest this time; believe in Him, receive Him; work out a fellowship time with Him from now.
Many times, the hard labor would fail to produce corresponding profit and good health; but grace, faith and obedience to the word of GOD will make you find the promised rest in your simple labor. 
Commit yourself completely into the LORD’S hand for help. Pray for GOD’S light to shine on your path and HIS wisdom to attend your way. May you make the divine rest in GOD.


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