For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. (v.15 NKJV)
I pray this day that the GOD of wonders work HIS will in you and bless you with something wonderful in your affairs. May it be a day of wonderful news with fulfillment of great godly intentions. May you enjoy rest in your heart and way in Jesus Christ name.
After Moses, Joshua (Yeshua, Hoshea, Jesus) was raised to get the freed people of Israel to the Promised Land. Moses could not get there because he missed it at some point in his relationship with the people and with GOD who had called him to the service. Joshua got the people to the land and divided it to them, but could not get them true peace. At some points in the way, he also made some mistakes – at a time he was deceived by the Gibeonites and he went into agreement with them. He won most part of the lands but he could not destroy all those to be destroyed; and the Israelites got mixed up with the some of the inhabitants and later served their foreign gods, instead of the true GOD. Yet, GOD promised a rest that is achievable through someone who cannot fail as other leaders did. When the others went through hard times with the people they were leading, they sinned and failed GOD (yet, HE pardoned them). This was not the same with Jesus, the Christ as He went through trials by the devil and the people, but He came out clean without sin. Do you feel the pressure around you is what is making you misbehave and sin? Do you feel the only way for you to survive this time is by acting in the negative to the word of GOD? Do not say that no one understands what you are passing through to make you misbehave; Jesus Christ had passed through worse, yet He did not sin. He wants you to know that He feels what you are feeling right now; He wants you to learn from Him and obtain grace and mercy to help you through. He wants you with Him in the Kingdom of His Father. He will judge all people and their works.
And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. May you be helped and be victorious in Jesus name. Amen!


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