"But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, (v.16 NKJV)
JEHOVAH, HE is the most HIGH GOD! Sing about HIS greatness; tell of HIS love; declare HIS wondrous works among the people; HE is to be praised forever. Jesus Christ is Lord!
I tried to imagine how Jesus Christ felt about people in His generation. Several attempts were made to point their attention to the LORD GOD that they may repent and change their ways. Different methods were employed to achieve this purpose, but it was like things were getting worse and their society getting involved in more and more wickedness. Prophets and different servants of GOD came to warn the people, but their heart was hard.  
Is this generation any different? Look around you and see how people are irresponsive to the messages of the Gospel. Check yourself and see where you have been playing hard to get. Do you see yourself not truly willing to give up a harmful habit? What else do you want done to you? Some people have tried to help some in solving their problems; yet, these ones refuse to change from their evil ways; they fail to repent and follow Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ rebuked some cities because they experienced direct miracles of GOD, even through Jesus Christ and they were not moved to repentance. Jesus declared woe to them.  
Today again, Jesus Christ through His word cries out; "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." – What will be your response to this open call? There is not much time left!
If you are for Jesus Christ there, please pray that the hindrances to the Gospel influence in the lives of people around you and in our different societies be broken and destroyed completely. Do pray for more revelation in the programme of GOD for this time. Pray that GOD will reveal the secret into the heart of some people that have been resisting the message of truth in Christ.
I pray that your life becomes a testimony and a point of positive influence to others. It is well with you in Jesus name.


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