And the Lord will be your guide at all times; in dry places he will give you water in full measure, and will make strong your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like an ever-flowing spring.(v.11 BBE)
Halleluiah, welcome to a new and blessed season in your life!
The loving and caring Father of all flesh through HIS prophet has revealed what the enemy of the soul, the oppressor of lives and the instrument of all sins would not want us to know so that he (Satan) may keep us in bondage even when there is a provision in Jesus Christ. Now, we should know how to do our spiritual exercises rightly and be very fruitful, and do to please our GOD.
This GOD is faithful to fulfilling all HE had promised, and there shall be fulfillment this time in Jesus name. Just check yourself and see that you are not the ‘block’ to the fulfillment of GOD’S promises to you. It may be true that you fast and pray dutifully (especially at times like this), but what do you fast to achieve; how do you carry out the exercises? What is the object of your prayer points; how do they key-in to GOD’S will and programme?
This passage of the Holy Scriptures reveals secrets to pleasing GOD in our spiritual exercises (even in fasting and praying). It opens to us the power to overcoming the enemy’s onslaught. If it seems things are not happening for you as expected, then carefully study and faithfully carry out the words of this Scripture. Let no evil words come out of your mouth again, let your ways be right before HIM and see to it that you make known the power of salvation in Jesus Christ to all that will come in contact with you.
Beloved of the LORD, this GOD, this time, by the grace in Jesus Christ, will shine on you like the morning, and your wounds will quickly be well: and your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will come after you. The cries of your heart shall make the right sound before HIM; yokes will be broken off from you and burdens will be taken off your shoulder or neck. The LORD will guide you in all your affairs as promised, and HE will water your dryness, quench your thirst, strengthen your bones and flourish you in your labour. Your joy shall know no end, all around you shall see the light of salvation of GOD. Amen!


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