And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples (v.2 NKJV)
A beautiful and blessed day this shall be for you. May the LORD, reveal HIMSELF to you in more amazing way this time. May your eyes see HIM; may your ears hear wonderful things of HIM and may you be one of the living testimonies of HIS goodness. Amen!
Jesus Christ had a wonderful testimony about John, the Baptist, His forerunner. Yet, Jesus Christ would say, “.but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” What could have reduced the ‘great John’s’ position in the kingdom of heaven?  While you ponder on this, I want you to pray that make it to the Kingdom of heaven well and strong.  Though, the first thing will be to make it, but don’t just make it, make it gloriously well! 
The great John the Baptist was held in prison for speaking the truth boldly; Jesus Christ knew that he was there in prison and He did not use His divine power to visit and help him out. John still sent emissaries; Jesus Christ could only reply John with the testimonies of His miraculous works. I suspected John was waiting to share in the testimonies after he had left the prison custody. I want to believe that he was saying, when shall you come to my rescue Lord, Jesus Christ? Are you asking the same question too? Do you feel that no one cares or loves you because of the pitiable position you have found yourself? Let me sound it very boldly and clearly to you that GOD loves you!
Before John the Baptist was caught and kept in the prison of Herod, people ran to where he was to listen to his message and to be baptized by him. Now, the prison yard caged him; and it was like the Jesus that he was speaking about was not responding to his case as he was treating others. It is very true what you hear about Jesus Christ as the great healer, miracle working Son of GOD and the deliverer. The way He had been helping others may not be the same way HE will help you; but one thing is certain, as long as you have believed in Him, there shall be solution to your issue(s), and you will be great in His Kingdom.
Jesus Christ, the miracle worker, come do a miracle in the life of all who have believed in you today. Thank you. Amen!


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