And you shall speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they refuse: for they are most rebellious. (v.7KJ2000)
To GOD be the glory for another day to enjoy HIS love and goodness. May HIS mercy flow and HIS favor come on us by the power in the name of HIS beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen!
It is a privilege among several people (and priests) for prophet Ezekiel to be sought after and chosen by GOD to deliver HIS message to a rebellious and hard-hearted people. It is a privilege for you to have heard and be called out to deliver a message from GOD to a people in this evil and adulterous generation. I hope and pray that you will not deviate from the truth, and you will not be afraid to deliver as directed. GOD shall help you.
Jesus Christ did not fail to deliver to us the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD; He demonstrated it with power; sins were forgiven, healings took place and deliverances from demonic influences were witnessed among the people. With all these good and great things done in the midst of the people, the messenger, Christ the King, was still crucified, dead and was buried; yet, the graves could not hold His body; He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven; but first raising many who cared to believe Him and receive His message that they may be as He is. I believe you are one of that chosen lot. Congratulations!
Beloved, have you observed different abominable practices among your people? You are not to practice these evils that are carelessly destroying others. It may not be worshipping idols (in different forms); it maybe dressing, dishonesty, foolish speaking or jestings, drunkenness or sexual immorality, and others things the LORD hates. You are GOD’S mouthpiece to warn them of the impending destruction when they failed to change, repent and be turned to the true GOD and the Savior of their soul. You need not be afraid to speak. You need not consider the status of who you are delivering the message to; everyone needs the word of salvation this time- we are in the time of the end.
May the hand of the LORD lift you; May HIS Spirit strengthen, direct and empower you. May the gracious word of GOD be in your mouth to save and heal souls in Jesus name. Amen!


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