Then Zipporah took a sharp stone and cut off the foreskin of her son and cast it at Moses' feet, and said, "Surely you are a husband of blood to me!" (v.25 NKJV)
May GOD be praised for HIS good works in our lives. This day, we shall witness more of these works and HIS name shall be glorified forever in our lives, in Jesus Christ name. Praise GOD!
Friend, do you know that the circumcision of your heart is a necessity for you to enjoy eternal life in the Kingdom of GOD and of HIS Christ? No true circumcision takes place without being born-anew by the Spirit and the Word of GOD which is in Christ Jesus. This is the day that the LORD has made do what is right in it.
As an acclaimed child of GOD, it is expected that you know what your father wants; what HE loves, likes, dislikes or hates. The desire of your Father should burn rightly in your heart as your desire. Others may like you to do things in a way (their way), but you will want things done in the way that will please your Maker and Father in Heaven. You will also be glad to show people the way of your Father as a true and responsible child of GOD.
It was obvious that the way of the GOD of the Hebrews was clearly shown to Moses even while he was being raised in the palace of Pharaoh by his daughter through Moses’ own mother. The seal of GOD’S covenant by way of circumcision of the fore-skin might have been shared with him; and in a way he would have shared a little with his wife but delayed the circumcision of his sons. Now, he was going to lead the people of the covenant and he was breaching the same covenant; but thank GOD for the wife who knew what was right to do at the expected time. 
Beloved, what do you know it is right for you to do at a time and you neglect to do it; this may bring trouble someday or sometime to come; but let mercy be shown to you today; be bold and of good courage to do it. Be not unequally yoked by disobedience! 
As you move on in obedience to GOD’S word this day, HE will command favor to come your way. HE will raise help for you in the different ways. GOD commanded Aaron to go meet Moses in the wilderness; he did and he became Moses’ helper in his services. May others come to believe in the true GOD that you serve in Jesus name.


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