Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy (v.4 KJV)
Dear LORD, thank you for the opportunity before us to praise your name; we shall continue to be grateful. Please let the people who feel they have nothing to appreciate you for know that the gift of a life for a new day is enough. May we be numbered among your saints when the call is made for onward glory in Jesus name.
When we carefully study this portion in the Holy Bible, as I will not want us to forget History, I, rather will want us to know that the events in those times are at play this time too. We therefore need to be careful how we walk and work. We should make amends where we have been failing and call out for help where and when necessary. Our help is in Christ Jesus, He is ever available.
At the point of inspection, GOD looked and could not find the works of some people in this Church of Sardis perfect before HIM; being a faithful GOD, HE opened this to them so that Satan would not destroy them. This is how HE opens HIS heart and reveals to us our weaknesses that we may change our ways and be better. Be a good hearer and doer of HIS word and work.
The record of this Sardis Church may be disappointing, yet some people refused to follow the path of destruction that their people followed. They would not allow their garments soiled by anything in any means. They stood their ground for GOD, HIS Christ and His word. They refused to love the world and the evil therein. They would not agree to any form of corruption, injustice and wickedness. They would not give themselves to the deceits; neither would they lie. They know what true virtues are and they were ready to pay the price for that. They did not mind being called the wrong names because they refused to be made wrong. What can be said of you? How do you think your record before the LORD, your maker is? Has your garment been defiled? You have a chance to be corrected and made right today; take it!
In humility, ask for pardon before the LORD and seek HIS help to be put right and made well. May you receive the Spirit, strength and power of the ‘overcomer’ in Jesus name.


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