And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. (v.3 KJV)
GOD made prophet Isaiah to see into the future; and the prophet did not refrain in making the revelation of the LORD known to the people. I pray that you will receive fresh revelation from the LORD too; may you be empowered by the grace in Jesus Christ to carry out the word of GOD accordingly. It shall be well with you!
To the people of Judah and Jerusalem, there are obviously several mountains, and different things go on in these mountains; from the supposed worship of GOD to the clear worship of idols. Prophets of false gods getting to themselves people that have lost the knowledge of the true GOD. Because the mountains are polluted, the lands become the home to many strangers and filled with idols that are fashioned by crafty people.  
In our societies too, there may be the likes of the mountains where power to grow strong in falsehood is being generated. Many people are flowing there because there is the deceitfulness of riches; some people will claim to get power unto wickedness, to oppression, and to deceive others to believe in the lies. We must be watchful and careful. May GOD break the ranks of these evil people. May their hands no longer perform their enterprise.
Beloved of GOD, there is a mountain of the LORD, the GOD of the whole earth established it in Jesus Christ. Every good and every perfect gift flow from this mount to every person and place that receives, believes and work on this truth by faith in Jesus Christ. This is the mountain that you are being called to. It is not about a physical mountain; it is where the spiritual power of GOD through Christ is established. You will learn the ways of GOD and of HIS Christ; you will walk in HIS paths, and you shall receive power to be operate in the name of the LORD as HIS child. This mountain is obviously exalted above others, and anyone involved shall be lifted by the power of the LORD accordingly. Dear LORD, turn our hearts and lives to your exalted mountain. Amen!


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