But a man named Ananias--his wife, Sapphira, conniving in this with him--sold a piece of land, secretly kept part of the price for himself, and then brought the rest to the apostles and made an offering of it.(vv.1,2 MSG)
Blessed GOD, may your name be praised forever in our lives. We thank you for all we have been through; and we thank you for all we will still go through; by the help of your grace, we trust that all things will work together for our good in Jesus name.
The early Church was just given birth to by the Holy Spirit, and the people were flowing in unity, in love and were enjoying the power of His miracles, and the fear of GOD engulfed the people. In all these, Satan would not give up; he got Ananias and Sapphira to his side; and he got them destroyed. They lied to the Holy Spirit when they thought they were deceiving the Apostles. 
Do not agree to be partner to any wrong plans or action. Your close pals or a member of your family may be luring you to such evil plan or action; pray and carefully reject it. Do not keep back part of your tithe or offering; do not think your plan to keep back is a secret; all our deeds are opened to the LORD by HIS Spirit. 
When Ananias and Sapphira thought they would be numbered among the faithful by their deceit, was when the Holy Spirit found them out. No hidden works of the devil shall have a place in our midst again. May the Holy Spirit expose the enemy and his works. May He make us bold to do right and deal rightly in all matters. May He help us to operate with the fear of GOD in our heart.
This season, the LORD has many good and great plans to be revealed in and through you; know also that the enemy is never resting because he knows his time is short. Therefore, know the truth that is in Christ Jesus, and abide steadfastly in it. Do not cooperate with the devil in any way; be bold to say and stand on the truth no matter what it will cost you. GOD shall help you!
I believe that GOD will work great things for this season. Pleasant events that will make people to believe in the living GOD and HIS Christ that you serve will break forth in you. Do co-operate with the Spirit of GOD and be as simple as you can. By the grace of GOD, every evil will bow before you in Jesus name.


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