She has done what she was able: she has put oil on my body to make it ready for its last resting-place (v.8 BBE)
Truly, there is no other GOD like HE who made the heaven and the earth. Let us continue to sing of HIS goodness and HIS love. I pray that you are made strong by the Spirit of GOD to be a blessing to someone today and that you be a joy to this GOD. May you grow in the grace to love HIM and HIS Christ always.
At a period when people were to be sober, reflecting on the victory and love of GOD at Passover, some people were planning to crucify the King of Glory, Jesus Christ. They wanted to take Him by deceit; it is evil they could think of doing to a good man. At this same period, a woman was thinking of what to do show her appreciation to GOD and to the Son of GOD who brought her hope and new life. This woman came with a bottle of perfumed oil of great price; she broke the bottle and poured the perfume on the Lord’s head. This was insanity some people thought; others felt she was wasteful; but Lord called it a kind act. Anything to learn?
Brother Judas Iscariot was also engaged in something very wicked for money sake; he thought of the best way to execute evil. 
At this time in life, what are you planning to do or what are you doing for yourself, your people, the church and for the Lord?
Different societies have different Philanthropists, but this is not just about a philanthropic work for people to commend you, but the one that the Lord will commend and rejoice over you for. Do not say you are not rich enough to do something; it is not about how much you have in wealth, but about the lives you are able to touch and make better by the little you think you have. What you are doing in righteousness may not seem good to others (perhaps, because you are not helping them make money from it or because they are not the one to get the credit), the lives that are being affected and modeled or remodeled and glorifying GOD are the very important issues to consider. Please do what you can in righteousness to help beautify lives around you. Pray that the representatives of the people will do rightly in helping the people they are representing. May every plan of the wicked ones against you or anyone that concern you fail.


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