And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when He overthrew the cities in which Lot had dwelt. (v.29 NKJV)
By the mercy of GOD that endures forever, we are not consumed. GOD’S hands are spread out again this day waiting to embrace children with understanding that will recognize and appreciate HIS love that is revealed in and through Jesus Christ. May the power of the love of GOD save us from all evils; may we get to know GOD better in our affairs this time. No evil will prevail longer than necessary; GOD, the keeper of time will make good things happen to us this time. It shall be well with us in Jesus name.
GOD in HIS time, decided to put an end to the reign of evil and all forms of wickedness, immorality and ungodliness that was all over the land of Sodom. Everyone had been stained in a way; and there was no one to intercede and rescue the people. But for the sake of Father Abraham, Lot and his people were considered and were instructed to move to safety. GOD has you in HIS plan.
The whole world has been corrupted by the evil one (Satan), but for Jesus Christ sake, all of us would have been destroyed. There is safety for all who would recognize the saving grace that GOD had placed in Jesus Christ. This grace is calling on everyone to come out of corruption and the intended destruction. As grace carries you out, do not look back; look on ahead to a better life with the Spirit of the Son of Glory. There is a future and a hope ahead; there is something more glorious to look forward to. What are you being called out of by the Spirit of the LORD? Why do you want to dwell in the place of destruction? Come out from among them (the idolaters, the immoral people, the liars and deceitful people, and all workers of iniquity). Do not look back; do not wait for anyone that is not ready to yield to the instruction of GOD; do not agree to linger any longer in any form of evil and sin. For Jesus’ sake GOD will show you mercy and favor you.     
May the LORD keep you safe where there is intended danger for your life; may HIS mighty hand deliver you and carry you to safety.  May your family be blessed in Jesus Christ name.


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