So runners went with letters from the king and his chiefs through all Israel and Judah, by the order of the king, saying, O children of Israel, come back again to the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, so that he may come again to that small band of you which has been kept safe out of the hands of the kings of Assyria (v.6 BBE)
May GOD be praised for HIS enduring mercy and unfailing love. HE is doing wonderful things in us, to us and for us; may we not be ungrateful to again. To you be the glory LORD, in Jesus name,
Hezekiah was one of the last kings of Judah before the Babylonians took the people captives. But several years before he became king, the people of Israel had been scattered among the other nations, only few people (the remnant) were left in the initially allotted lands. Note that they were warned to desist from their wicked ways, but when they changed not, GOD gave them over to their enemies to torment and scatter them. The people of Judah were already walking in the ways that the people of Israel treaded and they did not learn from Israel’s sins and punishments. King Hezekiah knew something was wrong, and something different from the usual must be done rightly to help them get GOD’S favor again; -For if you come back to the Lord, those who took away your brothers and your children will have pity on them, and let them come back to this land: for the Lord your God is full of grace and mercy, and his face will not be turned away from you if you come back to him- This is simply the truth but not all believed it. One of the things missing was the feast of Passover; they had forgotten about it. They did not remember that ordinance again; they had been taken over by the practices of the evil ones. Have you observed the missing link in your relationship with GOD and HIS Christ? What have you neglected to do rightly? Are you truly ready to change? Will you pray and do it right on? The feast of the Passover must be kept; everyone must be told. Hezekiah sent messengers to the remnants in the other tribes of Israel. Some obeyed, others made mockery of the message. Let the people the problem in their relationship with their maker. Tell them about Jesus, Dear GOD show mercy, and do not turn your eyes away from us, turn our hearts to you in Jesus name.


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