I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. (v.8 KJV)
Holy are you LORD GOD of all creations. You are worthy to be praised; and forever we shall honor you in Jesus Christ name.
There is something about you which is different from others; GOD the creator had made it so. There is something GOD had built you for that the people and the environment may know and enjoy GOD through it. I hope you have discovered this and that you are graciously using it for the glory of GOD. It is well with you!
The LORD who knows all things about HIS creations revealed the state of the Church of Philadelphia in the then Asia minor. I know the word of GOD and HIS Spirit often times reveal the state of our lives to us too. It is important that we know this and get corrected. GOD will also reveal secrets and give direction to our paths using HIS word and HIS Spirit. May HE lead your way.
When the LORD boldly declared that HE set before HIS people an opened door which no one can shut; know that HE had previously declared HIS ability to open and shut without any hindrances, because HE has the capacity to do so; the key is with HIM. The key and the power is still with HIM today; and in Jesus Christ great doors of blessings are opened to you, while the doors of sorrow, pains, displeasure and afflictions are closed. 
The door the LORD sets before you is to help you because HE knows you have no strength enough in you to open it. The LORD knows that you need help to enter and enjoy HIS blessings. Fall for GOD, do HIS will; let HIS strength come on you to help you in all your affairs. Do not cut corners; there is no short cut to enjoying GOD; Jesus Christ is the key and the answer. Get Him!
Know that the enemy will always work to discredit and distract you from the way of glory; do not fall for his schemes; know the LORD, HIS word and HIS Christ. Let HIS Spirit give you strength at every point. Hold fast the truth, let nothing take it from you.
I pray that at every how of temptation and trials, you will be wise and strengthened by the Spirit of the LORD. May GOD keep you well and work wonders in you in Jesus Christ name.


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