When a man's ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. (v.7  NKJV)
Amazingly, we have made it to a new day and another season in the time of life; GOD must be honored in our lives all the way. I pray that HE will be total control of our lives and affairs. May GOD be pleased to bless our lives more and more in Jesus name. 
The man of the Proverbs is bringing our attention to another secret of prospering and making good success – it is in pleasing the LORD of Glory. Because HE is the maker and the giver of all good and perfect gifts; HE is the ONE who makes all things beautiful in HIS time. HE knows the ending of a thing from its beginning; HE knows the right path to follow and HE is the best Helper in times of trouble and when in need. When one is having a good understanding of who GOD is and what HE does, then one lives to please HIM in all ways. May GOD rejoice over us!  
The great way to make your way please the LORD is to let HIM be in charge of all that concern us. And HE can be in charge when we surrender to Jesus Christ and allow HIS Spirit fill us. As we move on this season, let us not make plans all by ourselves; be under the control of the Spirit of the LORD. Stay under the guiding light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and learn to abide in the secret place of GOD Most High. We shall have a prosperous season. GOD will make good and great things happen for us.
Let us understand the secret of living in the fear of GOD and to deal righteously in all matters; and no fear of persons or things will be able to hold us in captivity. The heart will be free, praising the LORD; the mouth will make good confession and the body will be in good health; and events will happen to us pleasantly.
The biggest enemy of mankind is the devil; when we uphold the truth in the secrets of living to please the LORD, this enemy turns away and flee; and when he behaves stubbornly, the LORD takes up the fight and he (the devil) will be broken before the people of GOD. This is the LORD’S doing, it will be marvelous in our eyes. Glory be to GOD who lives forever. Amen!
May the grace of GOD in Christ abound to us to live to please HIM. May GOD’S pleasure be fulfilled in us. Amen!


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