These are all warning markers--DANGER!--in our history books, written down so that we don't repeat their mistakes. Our positions in the story are parallel--they at the beginning, we at the end--and we are just as capable of messing it up as they were (v.11 MSG)
GOD is so gracious and full of mercy; HE does not want anyone to be destroyed by Satan, HIS arch-enemy. I pray that every programme of GOD to keep you from the destructive plans of the enemy will yield good results; may you be one of GOD’S instruments to put HIS enemy to shame, in Jesus Christ name.  
In this portion of the letter to the Corinthian Church, the writer reminded the reader of GOD’S graciousness and mercy to the people that escaped the torments of the Egyptians and passed through the red sea unruffled under Moses. The same red sea overthrew and swallowed the enemy of the people. These people experienced different miracles of GOD as they moved through the wilderness to the promised land; but note that it was not all who escaped from Egypt, or the red sea that got to the Promised land, because many of them disobeyed GOD, disbelieved HIM and were overthrown in the desert. Carefully check out the sins of the people. Are you learning anything from the errors these unfaithful men and women?  Prayer for mercy wherever you have fallen and have been living unfaithfully. Intercede for others living faithlessly and unfaithfully after all the LORD has been showing and doing to us through Jesus Christ. 
Beloved of GOD, note the warning markers; listen carefully and watch your ways; make sure you do not fail of the grace of GOD to stand against every form of disobedience to HIS instructions and resist every appearance of temptations and sin. The system around you may seem choked with all forms of unrighteousness, but you shall stand upright by the grace that is in Jesus Christ. Amen!
Do you need to say ‘No’ to the unholy works around you, say it boldly by grace. Do you need to forgive, do it with all love in your heart. Be satisfied with all GOD had blessed you with and be prayerful too. Do not live a careless life; GOD loves you well. May the power of grace in Jesus help you to do right. Amen!


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