Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who had good understanding in the Lord's work. So the people ate the seven-day appointed feast, offering peace offerings, making confession [and giving thanks] to the Lord, the God of their fathers(v.22 AMP)
GOD is our Supreme leader; may HE be pleased to speak encouragingly to your hearts today. I pray that every moment of your day shall bring you great encouragement and you shall be glad in HIM.
GOD ordered the feast of Passover to remind the people about how HE rescued their grandparents from the house of bondage in Egypt. The people and their kings, since the days of Solomon, failed to keep this ordinance and they were expecting GOD to fulfill HIS part of the covenant while the people failed in theirs. This time, it may not be about the feast of Passover for you; but are you truly keeping regular fellowship with the LORD your GOD and the Christ that saved you?
King Hezekiah was so pleased with the Levites that had good understanding of the Lord’s work and he spoke encouragingly to them. For every child that does things to please the parents, something encouraging will come from the parents to such child for better performance. Let us all learn to speak encouragingly to one another, even unto correction when the need arises. Let the leaders speak encouragingly to the subordinates; that will not stop them from being scolded; but everything must be done in the love and fear of GOD.
After the King’s encouraging words, the people continued with the feast for another seven days with joy. I suspected they enjoyed GOD’S presence and they would not want to come out of such experience. Do you know that this is a form of fellowship with GOD in a way? 
It is high time we repaired our fellowship altar. It is time to review our worship style and see if we are doing it right so as to enjoy the presence of GOD. A gathering that does not command the presence of GOD must be missing the true link, Jesus Christ and His Spirit. Also, some things may not be right with the worshipers, it must be corrected.
So there was great joy in Jerusalem, for since the time of Solomon son of David king of Israel there was nothing like this in Jerusalem.
In the home, organization, and in the nation, it is time we come together and worship the true GOD and HIS Christ in Spirit and in truth.  
Hear our prayers LORD, and bless your people with joy. Amen!


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