And he said to them, To you is given the secret of the kingdom of God, but to those who are outside, all things are given in the form of stories; (v.11 BBE)
Dear LORD, let mercy prevail as it concern us this time; help us to be in tune with you and to have good understanding of every secret and revelation; make us fruitful in your will in Jesus name.
Jesus Christ taught a number of people using a parable or story; but no one could ask for the meaning to the story except the few that could follow Him up after His teachings; they were alone with Him and they were confident to ask for the meaning. There is a secret of pressing further with Christ here. Are there things going on with you that you do not understand, you may need to press further, wait after others have gone; get into a place without the crowd and be confident to ask for understanding from the giver of life. The person that can make this extra effort in righteousness will get the secret of the Kingdom of GOD. 
GOD cannot make mistakes; there is no investment of HIS that is meant to be in vain; but everyone who is opportune to have something to do with HIM should take heed and not waste the chance. Let HIS work in you be kept safe, let it not be a waste. 
The man that went out to put seed in the earth was not careless, neither was he wasteful; I want to believe he was trusting that some of these seeds should be given a chance on the soil they have found themselves; but unfortunately, it was only the seed on the good soil that could come up with meaningful results after. Do observe that the different seed on the good soil produce differently even when they were declared productive. I pray that we shall not only be fruitful investments of GOD, but also produce to the very best according to the grace available to us.
The parable of the seed sower gives me great concern on its own; and I am more concerned with getting the secret of the Kingdom of GOD that our Lord Jesus Christ made reference to.
Do pray for personal revelation of the secret of the Kingdom of GOD. Pray for abiding grace to help you excel in pressing for more knowledge in the will of GOD and to do all things to please HIM. May we be fruitfully blessed this season. Amen!


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