But in the night an angel of the Lord, opening the doors of the prison, took them out and said (v.19 BBE)
I trust the LORD for a divine visitation for you this season; GOD shall minister to you differently and you shall rejoice greatly. The attacks you have suffered for a while now shall be divinely taken up; and every stress you have witnessed shall give way to peace. May GOD work things out well for you in Jesus name.
Divine visitation can be for good, and it can turn out to be for destruction and mourning. But unto you, it shall turn out to be for good. Every event and attempt to harm you, shall bring forth good with great joy and rejoicing in Jesus Christ name. Amen!
The Apostles, after the baptism in the Holy Spirit, were empowered for great exploits. Miracles were happening through them in unimaginable ways; fear gripped the heart of the people around them; and plenty people were turning to their fellowship. With these testimonies, some other religious leaders were infuriated and they war against these ‘Gospelers’. They eventually got some of them locked up in the common prison. 
In this dispensation and in different places, some people are not just happy with anything that has to do with Jesus Christ; they persecute. prosecute, harm, maim destroy and kill. In some cases, ‘Gospelers’ are being denied their due promotion; some could not even gain employment for good pay; while in some other cases, several diabolical attempts are being made against these people of GOD. There is GOD’S day of deliverance, and I believe the season has come. There shall be divine visitation!
Beloved, GOD knew that the people that ought to get the Gospel message had not been reached; so, no attempt to cage the ‘word’ and the messengers can succeed. As you live your life for GOD through faith in HIS Christ, have no fear; through you several people will come in contact with the power of salvation. Tough may be the description of the times you are in, but divine visitation by the angel of GOD Almighty shall be the lyrics of the song of testimony that shall proceed from your mouth. Shalom!  
Pray that the Holy Spirit to prevail in His works in the life of all in your Church and home. May you be led into true freedom.


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