And he said unto them, Take heed what you hear: with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. (v.24 KJ2000)
The season is obviously pregnant with many things, may there be a delivery of good and perfect gifts from the LORD to you. May the LORD’S way and will be expounded to you better; may you increase in true knowledge and may GOD make you of wise and understanding heart. You shall be gloriously fruitful in Jesus name.  
The meaning to the parable of the sower was revealed to those who pressed further with Jesus, and asked relevant questions. The Lord was glad to expound this story to them; and I trust that the people became better in their relationship with GOD and HIS Christ. This is what the LORD delights in doing to those who seek to know HIM better. HE blesses them with what others cannot get; because they sought to know more and even better than they have heard before. Never get tired of pressing on with Jesus Christ; never get weak in studying the word of GOD and in praying. Even when it seems you are not making a head-way, keep pressing on. This action is like sowing a seed; you must be patient to nurture it to grow and come forth with good fruit – this will indeed take a while. Your focus should be to get good result.
Take heed what you hear; take heed what you do to others; take heed what you sow and how you sow; nothing that you do will go unnoticed. In all, what are you expecting to have in life and after this life? Do you take time to think of after-this-life on earth?
As you read and hear the word of GOD, please determine to be like the good soil that receive the word, and brought forth fruit accordingly. Deliver yourself from the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things that can choke the word, and make it unfruitful, thereby making you unproductive. Let the word of GOD take deep root in you and do not be careless in any way with it; expect to be blessed by it; and let nothing change your expectation of GOD’S will concerning you. 
Pray for a sound mind by the power in the word of GOD. Pray against the work of the devil in your home, business and in the lives of people around you. You shall be fruitful!


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