How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. (v.16 NKJV)
Every day, the choice for life or death is before all; many people had wrongfully made the wrong choice; I pray that you will choose rightly and be named as one of the wise because of the Lord’s will. May the wisdom of GOD build, raise and make way for you. May the mark of the Kingdom of GOD be on you; may you live an exemplary life to the glory of GOD in Jesus name. 
To make an appropriately right choice (after all the evidences before one) is wisdom; and this is in making a decision to follow GOD and have faith in His Jesus Christ, no matter how tough. 
Wisdom is to show and lead the way to the power of salvation in Christ Jesus. Wisdom is to help the poor and helpless, and to strengthen the weak in the righteous means available to you. Wisdom is to offer truthful and godly solution to the disturbing questions in the mind or lives of others through the knowledge of and faith in the saving grace in Jesus Christ. Wisdom is not in deceiving the minds of the weak and helpless. It is not wisdom in display when people are cunningly cheated of their resources or materials, and others are destroyed in the lust called love. Wisdom is not to take others for granted and to misuse authority over them, and exact pressures on them by some force. Please, identify what wisdom is and what it is not as you go through the Holy Scriptures today. The wise are known for their understanding, and instruction is appreciated if it's well presented (v.21 NLT). Choose that which is right in wisdom and stay blessed. Let the words from your mouth be full of grace; and labour to be a blessing to people around you. Study well the Holy Bible and be a doer of the word that you may be blessed in your deeds. Commit all things into the LORD’S hand and let HIM establish your path. May you be guided in the wisdom of GOD. 
Pray for wisdom to understand GOD’s will in all your dealings. Pray for those who are confused about what to do in choosing a job, a marriage partner, or any such request that they missed not the will of GOD. I pray that the word of GOD settles in your heart and life with great grace. Amen!


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