But now, being free from sin, and having been made servants to God, you have your fruit in that which is holy, and the end is eternal life. (v.22 BBE)
Of a truth, our yesterday had several opportunities buried in it; thank GOD for the HIS graciousness; HIS love and HIS mercy that lasts forever through the blood of Jesus Christ that is ever speaking better things on our behalf. A new opportunity the LORD opens up in every new day; may today not be different; and may the Spirit of the LORD help us to deal rightly in all matters. Amen!
Sin places everyone that is a slave to it in a very bad and pitiful condition and situation. Once sin gets into a life, several ‘emissaries of sin’ will crawl in; and that life becomes a slave to it.
There is a new position for you; there is a new location where there is hope and better life. There is a new strength to deny ungodliness and embrace righteousness and all forms of godliness. The good LORD has made it so; you shall not miss it.
Jesus Christ is the way and the key to enjoying a new and better position in life; situations will never be the same again. The good things in Christ’ treasure shall flow to you ceaseless and in no small measure. Only have a change of status as you make good your belief in the saving power of Jesus Christ and you confess Him as the Lord of your life. You shall have true freedom indeed.
Heaven is real and hell is not filled yet. Do not be ignorant of Satan’s devices to make you his slave as he makes a form of sin habitual in your life. Sincerely check yourself and see what kind of fruit you produce every day. To what are you yielding your desires? Does any type of sin have an influence in your life?
I am trusting GOD that HE will bless you with the power to say that the bad things you used to do, you do them no more. I pray that you will grow to do more righteous things that ever before.
Beloved of GOD, help someone to be free from the power of sin; help someone to obtain true deliverance from all forms of wickedness, sinful habits and afflictions today; minister the grace of salvation; show that person what it is to have faith in Jesus Christ.
Dear LORD, let there be joy and rejoicing in your Kingdom because of us and let there be joy and peace in our heart. Amen!


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