Having knowledge that because Christ has come back from the dead, he will never again go down to the dead; death has no more power over him. (v.9 BBE)
Many times, we do things wrongly because we do not know or understand what Jesus Christ had done for us on the cross at calvary and in the grave within the period He was there. I pray that we wake up to the true realities of the work of salvation and that we gain the power to operate in total victory in Christ Jesus.
Thanks be to GOD for the Grace of salvation that we obtained by faith in Jesus Christ. Sin will no longer have dominion over us!
There is a continuous struggle for the soul of man, Satan is bent on winning hearts to himself by deceits and make them hell-bound. This will not come to pass in your life and in mine. That is why you must know what victory Christ has given you and you must hold it to the end. Your claim to be for Christ on one hand and holding on to the element of the old man with the other cannot work. You must be completely dead to sin and its nature - Because he who is dead is free from sin -The old occupant (occupier) is dead, behold all things have become new; the new holder of your life is Christ by His Spirit. You are alive unto Christ. 
Do you have that struggle within you sometimes; you want to be lost in the love of GOD, yet, another wrong habit cunningly (or carelessly) operates in you and makes you feel guilty after it has carried out its work in you. You need to humbly and boldly tell Jesus that you surrender all; then, by the Spirit of Christ say “No” to this work of the flesh that wants to spoil your testimony and make you a candidate of hell. You may also get counsel, prayer and help from people with the true testimonies. You must know that Christ has come back from the dead, He cannot go there again; you cannot fail Christ; as He succeeds, so you must too.
Hell is not filled up yet; Heaven is ever open unto you; choose rightly and do well. In Christ Jesus, the power of sin is broken and way of Heaven is open and made clear. You will win. Amen!
By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, may every weakness to sin give way to strength unto righteousness in us. May we live victorious lives to the glory and praise of GOD. Amen!


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