Bitcoin mining to move to ICELAND as new cryptocurrency hotbed emerges

In fact, so big is the industry, more green energy will be using creating the cryptocurrency than powering homes this year.

The MoonLite Project is to be set up in Iceland and will run data centres to mine high value cryptocurrencies to take advantage in the current boom.

Operations will focus on efficiency by employing AI and custom algorithms.

Their first centre will open in August 2018 in Iceland where costs are low, electrical supply is 100 percent sustainable from hydro, geothermal, and wind sources, and the cool climate eliminates the need for extensive cooling infrastructure. The Moonlite website said: “The MoonLite Project will operate several industrial scale data centres in the Crypto-Currency Mining industry, and plans to begin by mining predominantly Bitcoin, DASH, Litecoin, and Ethereum using 100 percent sustainable, green energy.

“100 percent of the energy we consume is generated using Hydro, Geo-Thermal, and wind sources. The MoonLite Project will base its first mining operation in data center capital of the world, Iceland, where the average tariff for the industrial connections are 0.043 USD per kWh.”

Johann Snorri Sigurbergsson, a spokesman for Icelandic energy firm HS Orka, said there were a number of potential customers keen to join the country’s growing ranks of cryptocurrency miners.

He said: "If all these projects are realised, we won't have enough energy for it.

"What we're seeing now is, you can almost call it exponential growth, I think, in the energy consumption of data centres.

"I don't see it stopping quite yet.” Mr Sigurbergsson expects bitcoin mining operations will use about 840 gigawatt hours of electricity to supply data centre computers and cooling systems, for example.

By contrast, he estimated that Iceland's homes use about 700 gigawatt hours every year.

However, Jason Scott, a Bitcoin entrepreneur who monitors cryptocurrency mining in Iceland said: “We don’t have a very accurate count of how much mining is happening in Iceland. We also don’t know what cryptocurrencies are being mined.”

While Asia currently leads the way in mining, China may shut down production within the next couple of months, presenting an opportunity for Iceland.

Mr Scott said: “Where will mining go? Wherever there’s cheap electricity, which is here, which means we’re going to be inundated with people looking to exploit Iceland’s electricity. Right now I don’t feel like we’re positioned to benefit from that.”


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