
Showing posts from October, 2016


YOU HAVE AN ASSIGNMENT - ISAIAH 45:11 - 19 I have raised him up in righteousness, And I will direct all his ways; He shall build My city And let My exiles go free, Not for price nor reward," Says the LORD of hosts. (v.13 NKJV) There is GOD like Jehovah. There is King like the LORD. There is no authority like the one in the Maker; may HIS will be done in our lives. May Jesus, the Christ rule over all that concern us forever. May GOD ever rejoice concerning us in Jesus name. You are GOD’S secret work in your mother’s womb, but you cannot be hidden here on earth. You are one GOD’S glorious works to announce and display the power of the Maker of the heaven and the earth to people all around. You have been designed to put to shame the evil works of darkness and expose those who delight in the worship of false gods. Jesus Christ has been revealed that you may have power and authority to execute your GOD given assignment to the glory of GOD. You do not need to be afraid of how you sha

Daily inspiration words of wisdom

WHAT IS IN YOUR HEART? – 2 CHRONICLES 32:24 - 33 However, regarding the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon, whom they sent to him to inquire about the wonder that was done in the land, God withdrew from him, in order to test him, that He might know all that was in his heart. (v.31 NKJV) Halleluiah! Halleluiah!! Halleluiah!!! Continue to honour the GOD of the entire universe in your heart this day. Sing special songs from your heart to HIM. I pray that HE honours your fellowship and may HE bless you greatly. Amen! King Hezekiah was an outstanding ruler in his days as the king of Judah. He feared GOD in all his dealings, and the LORD commanded HIS blessing on him in return. He knew the great GOD so much that in HIS name he overturned every war that was waged against him. When he was sick unto death, he felt it was not time for him to die and he called on GOD and HE delivered him. What is your relationship with GOD like? Are you enjoying the joy of salvation that GOD gives through

Follow this step if you want rich

THIS IS A CALL TO FAITHFULLY RESPOND TO–ISAIAH 55:1-7 Ho! everyone in need, come to the waters, and he who has no strength, let him get food: come, get bread without money; wine and milk without price. (v.1 BBE) Due to some form of carelessness and perhaps other lackadaisical attitude, people lose opportunities to make it or get favored for high places and great things. I pray that the opportunity that you need to be lifted and be established in high place in righteousness will come again this time; and when this happens, may you be wise to handle it in the will of GOD. Amen! GOD’S call through Isaiah to everyone in need is a genuine one. The person that will answer rightly to HIM who calls to buy must be willing and very ready to give up every unrighteous ways and thoughts and fully obey every instruction of the caller. Observe that this caller is not deceitful; HE means what HE says and HE says what HE means. If HE does not have the capacity to provide, HE will not promise any he


THE REST FOR YOUR SOUL - MATTHEW 11:20 - 30  "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (v.29 NKJV) A good way that a person can receive help is when the person in need recognizes the call of a helper and heeds it faithfully. I pray that our ears will be opened to the right voice of the Helper. May He grant us grace to respond and act rightly to the glory of GOD!  Jesus Christ had preached so much in these cities, yet they could not believe and be saved from their struggles and from the deceits of the devil that lead to destruction in hell. They believe they are alright, they needed no savior. They believe that the works they were engaged in was enough to feed them, grant them rest and make them happy; they were not very concerned about Eternity. They even have rest days and leave periods; which are very necessary, but cannot guarantee rest for the soul. Do you share the same view with the people in t


Happy independence day Nigeria at 56 years old. This are old Nigeria!!!!!!!! Bye bye to Corruption,  Bye bye to Avengers, Bye bye to Boko-Haram, Bye bye to Economy Recession,  Bye bye to Kidnapping, Bye bye to Unemployment. Welcome to new face of Nigeria****** Nigeria you are great and GOD bless Nigeria....(AMEN)