
Showing posts from January, 2017


A KING BY THE FORCES OF MAN? JOHN 6:14 – 21 Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself. (v.15 RSV) The earth is the LORD’S, and everything in it was made by HIM. There is no king that rules without HIS knowledge; even those who cheat on others to gain the reign of control of leadership in any position cannot hide their ways from GOD, but HE watches to see the humiliation of the enemy that shall eventually come.  For everyone that follows after Jesus Christ, the Lord will always plant a mark of recognition. The enemy knows his own too; yet he will always seek for ways to snatch righteous ones and cheat them so that they lose the mark of GOD on them. You shall not miss GOD in Jesus Christ’s name. It shall be well with you. Amen! When people saw great miracles that Christ was doing, and they knew that none of these had any of their leaders or king ever gave them all these years, then they pressed


JESUS CHRIST IS STANDING THERE FOR YOU – JOHN 21:1-11 Just as day was breaking, Jesus came and stood on the beach; but the disciples did not know that it was he. (v.4 TCNT) Many times we feel we are alone in our turbulent situations in life; but it is not so, if we serve a living GOD in truth and in the Spirit. I pray that you will experience the presence of the Lord, Jesus Christ with you this time and always. It is well with you! The Disciples taught the party was over as Jesus Christ. Their master was crucified before their very eyes. Though, Christ had taught them many things about life, His mission, His death and resurrection, yet they could not comprehend these easily especially by the way Christ was suddenly taken away from them. They forgot easily the teachings and the instructions of Christ to them. They had to go out and find a way to survive (I guess that was their taught and plan). But Jesus Christ was ever with them; His Spirit never departed from their midst; this disc


GOD WILL OPEN DOORS AND BREAK GATES – PSALM 107:10 – 16 For He has broken the gates of bronze, And cut the bars of iron in two. (v.16 NKJV) The entrances to strong places are often secured with strong doors and gates. The entrance into the day is of the LORD and in HIS name you approach it. May the door securing the treasures be opened for you, and the gates be lifted; may you be equipped with the secret keys into the locks of good health, good success and glorious victories; in the name of Jesus Christ. This portion of the Psalmist opened with the fact that the people rebelled against the words of GOD, and they gave no thought to HIS laws; so the enemy had access and he puts them in the dark and chain them with afflictions. This people were brought down and they could not find help until they found the secret of liberty; they got insight into the power of salvation; they prayed to GOD in their bad situation, and the LORD delivered them. Halleluiah! GOD does wonderful things for ev


WHAT GIFT ARE YOU GIVING? – MATTHEW 2:1 – 12 And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (v.11 NKJV) People wait for a season or occasions to give gifts, but GOD opens HIS Arms continually and makes HIS gifts flow unceasingly and without the barrier of any season. May the barrier to your receiving GOD’S glorious gift be removed from before you; may the blessing of the LORD make you rich and free you from every sorrow. May GOD bless you in Jesus Christ name. Amen! A Glorious child was born in Bethlehem of Judea; His star was at the same time seen in the East by a group of men that were very observant. The king and the people that were in the city of His birth could not discern, neither could they remember what was written concerning Him by the Prophets. This sometimes is the problem with some of us, when we ar


ACQUAINT YOURSELF WITH GOD – JOB 22:21 - 30 "Acquaint yourself with him, now, and be at peace. Thereby good shall come to you. (v.21 WEB) I pray that the LORD bless this day for you and that HE fills you with HIS blessing. May you get to know HIM and HIS Christ more. May good come to you as you take in the word of GOD and do according as HIS instructions shall be in Jesus name. To get acquainted with someone is to build a closer or better relationship with the person. This is to be a better ally and get better familiarized with the person. The advice of Eliphaz the Temanite to Job was a counsel for all who would want to enjoy good and great things that flow from GOD the creator of all things; and a good time to hear and heed this word is now. We are in a season that many people will claim to know and serve GOD but will not be committed to doing HIS will. I trust that GOD will bless you with great grace for you to know HIM more, love HIM dearly and do HIS will better than other


BE COURAGEOUS AND STAND UPRIGHT– DANIEL 11:30-45 And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert {and} seduce with flatteries, but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong {and} shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].. (v.32 AMP) My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and Righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name… I am trusting that this is truly your song this time and your hope and expectations shall not be cut off in the name of Jesus Christ. May this be a glorious season for you. The revelations to Daniel long time ago was for real and several events proved and others are still proving it. This is a season for you to prove that GOD cannot fail and will not fail those who trust in HIM. I strongly implore you to truly lean on the LORD’S grace that is in Jesus Christ. You shall not fall; you shall not fail. There shall be several challenges to the name of Christ; as there has always being. There shall be m


IT IS A NEW LIFE – EZEKIEL 37:1 - 14 "I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken it and performed it," says the LORD.'"(v.14 NKJV) It is a new day; it is a new life given by the Spirit of GOD; hopelessness shall give way to hopefulness with strong faith in GOD; weaknesses shall give way to real strength in the power of GOD; and no sickness nor pain shall have a part in the new life and the new personality GOD shall raise to HIMSELF in Christ. I believe GOD is making all things new for you and HE shall raise you as the new person to the glory of HIS name. Amen! GOD is a specialist in doing the impossible; by HIS mighty hand and in the power of HIS Spirit, HE set Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones. And at HIS command to Ezekiel, the very dry bones got new flesh, received new life and became a mighty army. This is no common vision, neither is it a common operation; this was


IT IS A NEW LIFE – EZEKIEL 37:1 - 14 "I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken it and performed it," says the LORD.'"(v.14 NKJV) It is a new day; it is a new life given by the Spirit of GOD; hopelessness shall give way to hopefulness with strong faith in GOD; weaknesses shall give way to real strength in the power of GOD; and no sickness nor pain shall have a part in the new life and the new personality GOD shall raise to HIMSELF in Christ. I believe GOD is making all things new for you and HE shall raise you as the new person to the glory of HIS name. Amen! GOD is a specialist in doing the impossible; by HIS mighty hand and in the power of HIS Spirit, HE set Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones. And at HIS command to Ezekiel, the very dry bones got new flesh, received new life and became a mighty army. This is no common vision, neither is it a common operation; this was


YOU SHALL SURELY LIVE! – JOHN 14:12 - 21   "A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. (v.19 NKJV) The clock ticks and it cannot be reversed; one day goes and another reveals itself. A season of unpleasantness shall surely pass away and that of pleasure shall be made manifest. The good LORD has decreed a new season of the manifestation of HIS good pleasure because of Jesus Christ who was pleased to do HIS Father’s will; may the LORD’S will be done in you too. To everyone that dies, the people in the world will append the title “Late” to the name; but Jesus Christ was bold to declare that death shall not conquer Him because He will live forever; and He sure lives. Yes, HE lives; and because He lives, you shall live also. Every plan or programme born in the will of GOD shall live. Your hope and faith in Christ shall live and produce great results. What others could not understand will be made clear to you and


ACQUAINT YOURSELF WITH GOD – JOB 22:21 - 30 "Acquaint yourself with him, now, and be at peace. Thereby good shall come to you. (v.21 WEB) I pray that the LORD bless this day for you and that HE fills you with HIS blessing. May you get to know HIM and HIS Christ more. May good come to you as you take in the word of GOD and do according as HIS instructions shall be in Jesus name. To get acquainted with someone is to build a closer or better relationship with the person. This is to be a better ally and get better familiarized with the person. The advice of Eliphaz the Temanite to Job was a counsel for all who would want to enjoy good and great things that flow from GOD the creator of all things; and a good time to hear and heed this word is now. We are in a season that many people will claim to know and serve GOD but will not be committed to doing HIS will. I trust that GOD will bless you with great grace for you to know HIM more, love HIM dearly and do HIS will better than other


YOU SHALL BE IN FREEDOM :  JEREMIAH 50:33 -46 Their Redeemer is strong; The LORD of hosts is His name. He will thoroughly plead their case, That He may give rest to the land, And disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon. (v.34 NKJV) It is a great day in a beautiful season. It is very pleasant to know that there is a Redeemer who cares so much about us. HE has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. HE gave us Jesus Christ and HIS Holy Spirit to be with us forever; HE is the LORD of great armies. HE has promised us rest and we shall have it. I pray that every of GOD’S good promise to you shall come to pass this time; may the grace for accomplishment fill us all. The scenario of Israel in the snare of Babylon got divine intervention at an apportioned time; and the LORD got HIS people out. This time shall be your time, no evil shall ensnare you again; Jesus Christ the Redeemer and Savior has come, He is carefully handling every case that involves you; every lie of the devil against you s


YOU SHALL BE IN FREEDOM :  JEREMIAH 50:33 -46 Their Redeemer is strong; The LORD of hosts is His name. He will thoroughly plead their case, That He may give rest to the land, And disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon. (v.34 NKJV) It is a great day in a beautiful season. It is very pleasant to know that there is a Redeemer who cares so much about us. HE has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. HE gave us Jesus Christ and HIS Holy Spirit to be with us forever; HE is the LORD of great armies. HE has promised us rest and we shall have it. I pray that every of GOD’S good promise to you shall come to pass this time; may the grace for accomplishment fill us all. The scenario of Israel in the snare of Babylon got divine intervention at an apportioned time; and the LORD got HIS people out. This time shall be your time, no evil shall ensnare you again; Jesus Christ the Redeemer and Savior has come, He is carefully handling every case that involves you; every lie of the devil against you s