
Showing posts from March, 2017


GOD WILL DO GREAT THINGS FOR US – JOEL 2:21 – 32 Be not afraid, O land; be glad and rejoice. Surely the LORD has done great things. (v.21 NIV) I trust the LORD will make this a specially blessed day for you as you trust HIM for all things in Christ. May you look and see GOD turn things around for your good and that of others around you. May voices of joy and of praises surround you in Jesus name. GOD is a specialist in turning things around for good for those who believe in HIS Christ and in HIS name. GOD is gracious that HE will reach out to help the helpless not because the helpless deserve it, but because HE is a merciful and compassionate GOD.  GOD’S response to the message HE earlier gave to Joel, with the prophet and his people’s action is this promise of restoration and comfort. I trust that as you truly respond to GOD’S message this time, may HE be pleased to fulfill these promises in your life. Do not be afraid, GOD will surely do great things for you. You and everyone /th


RETURN FULLY TO THE LORD – JOEL 2:12 – 20 Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.(v.13 NIV) Great is our GOD; HE is worthy to be praised and deserves to be honoured. May we live with this understanding all our days.  If we are asked how things have been thus far, different people will be with different responses. Our experiences have been different, though certain events in the environment seem to be general to all. Our actions and reactions are definitely different too. But agree with the word of GOD in the Holy Scriptures that the LORD will turn to us and HE will make things well with us again. Prophet Joel got a message from the LORD and he also admitted that what his people was experiencing was truly strange and a lot of them did not care to check why it was so. Events were not right with them and injustices, diseases, poverty and deaths d


THE HOPE OF THE HOPELESS – LUKE 7:11 – 17 A funeral procession was coming out as he approached the village gate. The boy who had died was the only son of his widowed mother, and many mourners from the village were with her. (v.12 LB) Lots of good things about you are yet to be seen and known, but I trust that GOD will begin a work in you that will announce HIS glory in/ through you. You shall be a mighty instrument in GOD’S hands in the land you dwell, and all that you put your hands to do shall be blessed in Jesus name.  Sudden death of a loved one can deal devastating blow to the relatives and concerned friends. Sudden loss of a lucrative job, if not well handled, can make things turn upside down for the person concerned. Downward (or unprofitable) trend of a promising business can be very demoralizing to those involved. Several things can bring down morale and dash hope and distort expectations; but I pray that Jesus Christ will continue to be involved in your affairs and nothing


YOUR HOPE HAS COME – JOB 14:1 – 15 "For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender shoots will not cease. (v.7 NKJV) I am so glad that I have a Father in Heaven. HE will never fail me. I want to believe you share this same testimony if you have GOD as your Father and Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. Job had one of the best testimonials in the attributes of any man before GOD. Satan knew this, yet he had for permission to try him. Job was tried, and in his trials he revealed some of the truth he had known over time. I pray that your trials will give you great testimonies. May you never fail your GOD no matter how tough things get or rough the road may be. You shall be victorious! Please check this out; how long do you think any person can live on the surface of the earth this time? Truly Methuselah lived close to a thousand years then, yet in the grave or wherever he may be in now, and according to the time of life, he would


JESUS PAID DEARLY FOR YOUR LIFE - HEBREWS 2:5 – 13 It makes good sense that the God who got everything started and keeps everything going now completes the work by making the Salvation Pioneer perfect through suffering as he leads all these people to glory. (v.10 MSG) I serve a very big GOD, who is always by my side, a very big GOD, by my side all the time. Is this true for you? I pray that today will not go into extinction without you saying tangibly that GOD is good to you. The price for your redemption shall not be wasted, and the angels of GOD shall continually rejoice for you. GOD has several spirits and angels at HIS beck and call; it will cost HIM nothing to make any of them a sacrifice for the redemption of mankind; I guess none would have been a perfect sacrifice; and that would have been a waste; and GOD is not a waster. The prophets and priests tried their best, but none could have been a perfect sacrifice; not even any of the angels.  GOD knew that the only person who w


THE ONE FROM ABOVE – JOHN 3:22 - 36 He who comes from heaven is greater than all others: he who comes from earth is of the earth, and of the earth are his words: he who comes from heaven is over all. (v.31 BBE) Who is like unto you, O Lord? Who is like unto you? You are glorious in holiness and fearful in praise. You are ever doing wonders. Dear LORD, may you be pleased to bless us in a special way this day, and help us to do your will too in Jesus name. Beloved, there is One GOD the creator of all things; there have also been several people who claimed (and some are still claiming) to have come from the only true GOD, but their actions are far from the way of this GOD. But one truth cannot be denied (though, the enemy has been fighting this, and he will continue to fight it until he is held and caged), Jesus Christ came from GOD and He did what GOD would want Him to do for your sake and mine. This is what John the Baptist was pointing the attention of his followers to. Let there be


THE OLD OR THE NEW BODY? - ROMANS 6:1 - 14 And do not give your bodies to sin as the instruments of wrongdoing, but give yourselves to God, as those who are living from the dead, and your bodies as instruments of righteousness to God. (v. 13 BBE) Sing the praise of GOD in a very special way today. Determine to express his love to you in another astounding manner. May the LORD be pleased to graciously honour you in a wonderful way. May your joy know no end in Jesus Christ name. Amen! In this short passage of the Holy Bible, one can see a big concern in the heart of the writer; it is about how people who claimed to know GOD in the new life given through Jesus Christ do not make this known by the way carry their body and live their lives in unrighteousness, yet claiming to live by grace in Jesus Christ. This is false display and inglorious expression. It is possible the people were claiming to be for GOD in Christ, but what was seen in them was that of evil desires and indecent living.