
Showing posts from December, 2016


CONTINUALLY OFFER PRAISE TO GOD: HEBREWS 13:15 - 25 Let us then make offerings of praise to God at all times through him, that is to say, the fruit of lips giving witness to his name. (v.15 BBE) I will praise HIM from everlasting, everlasting to everlasting! Please sing along and honour the great GOD who has kept you safe from all the wicked schemes against you in every way. This is a time to consciously express gratitude for the love of GOD in the grace of Jesus Christ. May your mouth flow in ceaseless praise! As the writer of this Epistle was concluding his writing, he was quick to point out something very essential in relating with GOD – it is offering the sacrifices of praise to GOD from a truthful heart and the lips that will not be used in evil speaking or lies. This is what the LORD delights more in without neglecting to do faithfully other righteous things as expected of one who loves to do GOD’S will and is obedient to the rules of the land that do not run contrary to HIS c


YOU SHALL BE IN FREEDOM :  JEREMIAH 50:33 -46 Their Redeemer is strong; The LORD of hosts is His name. He will thoroughly plead their case, That He may give rest to the land, And disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon. (v.34 NKJV) It is a great day in a beautiful season. It is very pleasant to know that there is a Redeemer who cares so much about us. HE has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. HE gave us Jesus Christ and HIS Holy Spirit to be with us forever; HE is the LORD of great armies. HE has promised us rest and we shall have it. I pray that every of GOD’S good promise to you shall come to pass this time; may the grace for accomplishment fill us all. The scenario of Israel in the snare of Babylon got divine intervention at an apportioned time; and the LORD got HIS people out. This time shall be your time, no evil shall ensnare you again; Jesus Christ the Redeemer and Savior has come, He is carefully handling every case that involves you; every lie of the devil against you s


OUR SPECIAL REQUESTS THIS TIME - MARK 10:32 - 45 And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to him, and said to him, "Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you." (v.35 RSV) I trust you are graciously enjoying the loving-kindness of Jehovah GOD to you and to all yours now and always. Express your appreciation to HIM in praises and dutiful service. By GOD’S grace in Christ Jesus, your righteous service shall be fruitful; may you be filled with joy and gladness. May GOD be pleased to reveal HIMSELF to you in marvelous ways; may you break forth with outstanding breakthroughs to GOD’S glory. Amen!  I do not know what your experience of walking with the LORD and HIS Christ have being, but I am bold to let you know that you need not be afraid; He will continue to be with you as you faithfully and steadfastly stick to Him. May you be blessed indeed. Amen! Many times the Lord would be interested in revealing things about Himself, His Kingdom and of the wi


THEY ALWAYS SEEK TO KILL HIM – MATTHEW 2:13 – 23 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him." (v.13 NKJV) To you LORD, be all the glory, honour and adoration forever. It is another day and season of the manifestation of your wonderful works in the lives of all, may your name be praised forever. Amen! It is no news that the personality and the name of Jesus Christ has always been under attack; this had been from His birth. The people that faithfully bear His mark and name on them have not been spared from these attacks that come in diverse ways and with different people being used as instruments of these attacks. Parents rise against children (and vice versa); some offices or school environments become very unfriendly because of faith in Jesus Christ. From one region to anot


WHAT GIFT ARE YOU GIVING? – MATTHEW 2:1 – 12 And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (v.11 NKJV) People wait for a season or occasions to give gifts, but GOD opens HIS Arms continually and makes HIS gifts flow unceasingly and without the barrier of any season. May the barrier to your receiving GOD’S glorious gift be removed from before you; may the blessing of the LORD make you rich and free you from every sorrow. May GOD bless you in Jesus Christ name. Amen! A Glorious child was born in Bethlehem of Judea; His star was at the same time seen in the East by a group of men that were very observant. The king and the people that were in the city of His birth could not discern, neither could they remember what was written concerning Him by the Prophets. This sometimes is the problem with some of us, when we ar


HIS NAME IS JESUS: HE IS THE CHRIST–MATTHEW 1:18-25 "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins." (v.21 NKJV) Something unique and glorious is set to happen to you this time; be hopeful, be faithful. Set yourself apart unto the LORD no matter the challenge(s), You shall not be put to shame; you shall not be disappointed; in the name of Jesus Christ may you be helped. This is the day of the LORD, rejoice and be glad. Amen! Name is not just a means of identification; it can define a personality for good when that person is hooked to a Mighty GOD. There were many Marys and Josephs in the time of this record as specified in the Holy Scriptures, but this Mary and this Joseph came out uniquely favored and blessed. Mary did keep herself from being corrupted by lust; Bro Joseph too did; they did not give themselves to wrong influences of peer pressures and sinful desires that were common among young people (even i


IT’S A DIVINE AND POWERFUL CONCEPTION - LUKE 1:26 – 38 And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. (v.35 NKJV) A blessed and glorious season this shall be to you; good news shall come for you from far and from near. May this be the set time to favor you. May the power of the most High GOD make pleasant things in righteousness happen for you in Jesus name. The virgin Mary got a visitation from an unexpected and rare visitor. Angelic visitations are not very common among the people; and anyone with such experience would definitely be afraid. But the angel that visited Mary strengthened her faith and made it clear to her that she was highly favored blessed among women. I pray the LORD will search us out among others and favor us with pleasant and glorious gifts that will be of benefits to all.  When the LORD is set to h


NEVER FAIL IN WAITING ON THE LORD! – ISAIAH 40:18 - 31 But those who are waiting for the Lord will have new strength; they will get wings like eagles: running, they will not be tired, and walking, they will have no weariness. (v.31 BBE) Praise the LORD! Our GOD is so good, so great and so mighty, there is nothing that HE cannot do. Who can be compared with HIM? In Heaven and on earth, there is none like HIM. By the Word of GOD you shall live, because HIS Word lives forever. GOD is patient; HE is faithful. HE is loving and kind. HE is never weary in reaching out to all with HIS forgiving arm and helping hands. HE has been doing wonderful things in the past, and this season, HE will do more than can be imagined. HE is the LORD! It is very possible that some of your prayer points before the LORD have not received the favorable response you desired; this cannot change GOD from being who HE is. I hope you will learn to wait patiently on HIM. There is indeed an appointed time; but do not


STAND STRONG AND FIRM ON THE TRUTH -2 TIMOTHY 2:14-26 Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: "The Lord knows those who are His," and, "Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." (v.19 NKJV) No deceit goes on forever, neither will the deceiver prevail any longer; may the Light of the truth of GOD’S Word and the power of HIS salvation in Jesus Christ deliver and work wonders in your life this season and always. May you ever be GOD’S own. Amen! The times we are in may be hard, but the child of GOD must be harder. This season has a lot of deceits that go on in it, but the truth of GOD in Jesus Christ stands sure forever. This truth you must know, work with and live in it unto eternity in HIS Kingdom. There is strong contention against the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ. There are several manipulations by the enemy to disprove the sovereignty and the divinity of this Jesus. There are claims and counter claims about who the


PASS ON THE TRUTH – 2 TIMOTHY 2:1 - 13 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (v.2 NKJV) Blessed are you this day and always. You are one of the priviledge few to see the breaking of the day and enjoy another weather in the programme and blessings of GOD. May the LORD bring a refreshing to you, spirit soul and body in Jesus name. GOD is so good, and HE had never kept HIS goodness to HIMSELF and the heavenly beings alone, HE makes sure you and I benefit from HIS wonderful love through Jesus Christ. HE wants us to learn this great quality in HIM, and we must ensure this is well carried out as we pass on the truth that we have learnt in the life of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ to others. One good quality in every notable leader is his ability to raise disciples after the nature of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The usual ‘self’ [my own, myself, my thing] should be discouraged. We need to learn


PASS ON THE TRUTH – 2 TIMOTHY 2:1 - 13 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (v.2 NKJV) Blessed are you this day and always. You are one of the priviledge few to see the breaking of the day and enjoy another weather in the programme and blessings of GOD. May the LORD bring a refreshing to you, spirit soul and body in Jesus name. GOD is so good, and HE had never kept HIS goodness to HIMSELF and the heavenly beings alone, HE makes sure you and I benefit from HIS wonderful love through Jesus Christ. HE wants us to learn this great quality in HIM, and we must ensure this is well carried out as we pass on the truth that we have learnt in the life of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ to others. One good quality in every notable leader is his ability to raise disciples after the nature of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The usual ‘self’ [my own, myself, my thing] should be discouraged. We need to learn


PASS ON THE TRUTH – 2 TIMOTHY 2:1 - 13 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (v.2 NKJV) Blessed are you this day and always. You are one of the priviledge few to see the breaking of the day and enjoy another weather in the programme and blessings of GOD. May the LORD bring a refreshing to you, spirit soul and body in Jesus name. GOD is so good, and HE had never kept HIS goodness to HIMSELF and the heavenly beings alone, HE makes sure you and I benefit from HIS wonderful love through Jesus Christ. HE wants us to learn this great quality in HIM, and we must ensure this is well carried out as we pass on the truth that we have learnt in the life of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ to others. One good quality in every notable leader is his ability to raise disciples after the nature of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The usual ‘self’ [my own, myself, my thing] should be discouraged. We need to learn


PASS ON THE TRUTH – 2 TIMOTHY 2:1 - 13 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (v.2 NKJV) Blessed are you this day and always. You are one of the priviledge few to see the breaking of the day and enjoy another weather in the programme and blessings of GOD. May the LORD bring a refreshing to you, spirit soul and body in Jesus name. GOD is so good, and HE had never kept HIS goodness to HIMSELF and the heavenly beings alone, HE makes sure you and I benefit from HIS wonderful love through Jesus Christ. HE wants us to learn this great quality in HIM, and we must ensure this is well carried out as we pass on the truth that we have learnt in the life of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ to others. One good quality in every notable leader is his ability to raise disciples after the nature of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The usual ‘self’ [my own, myself, my thing] should be discouraged. We need to learn


RECEIVE THE MESSAGE OF COMFORT – ISAIAH 40:1-11  Say kind words to the heart of Jerusalem, crying out to her that her time of trouble is ended, that her punishment is complete; that she has been rewarded by the Lord's hand twice over for all her sins. (v.2 BBE) There will come an end to a bad story, situation or event when there is an intervention by the LORD of lords. This has happened before, and a grand heavenly design is making another to happen again. The GOD of the whole Universe in HIS mercy has brought on you a season of great and positive change. A message of hope and new life has come for you. May the grand design of the King of kings be fulfilled in your life in Jesus name.  Beloved, make your heart ready; make your way right; receive the help of GOD to make all things new and well with you in life. It does not matter the nature of distortion in life and programme that you have experienced thus far, all that you need is to let the message of Jesus Christ for a change


JESUS CHRIST HAS PREVAILED – REVELATION 5:1-14 But one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals." (v.5 NKJV) There is every reason to rejoice this season. There is hope rising; there is a better and brighter future. There is help available in Jesus Christ; all sorrows, all sighing; all things that have been proving difficult to deal with or handle; all that have been looking very impossible to accomplish or overcome until now shall surely bow to the victorious power of Jesus Christ. I pray that your victory comes this season and that your joy be made full by the help of GOD through the power in the name of Christ. Right from creation, especially after the fall of Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden, there had been so much conflict with the soul, spirit and the body of man by the common enemy, Satan. Since then also, GOD had strategized a plan to save human


WHAT A RECORD? - 2 CHRONICLES 21:12 – 20 Jehoram had become king at the age of thirty-two and had ruled in Jerusalem for eight years. Nobody was sorry when he died. They buried him in David's City, but not in the royal tombs (v.20 GNB) ​ Every passing day presents the glory of GOD in divers ways; and each passing day reminds us of the little time we all have left to spend on earth. And it is true that it is most times not how far you were able to go in life, but how well you used your time on earth. May GOD help us to make good use of our time on earth, and to live for HIS glory and honour in Jesus Christ name. Amen! Jehoram was not just a disappointment to his father and grandfather’s good names, he was also a disgrace to the people of GOD and to the name of GOD, the King of Judah. GOD could not defend him when the enemy struck. It was like GOD turned his face away from him, and the enemy afflicted and destroyed all he had labored for. He lost all his children except for his yo


THE FOOLISH SON – 2 CHRONICLES 21:1 - 11 And their father gave them great gifts of silver, and of gold, and of precious things, with fortified cities in Judah: but the kingdom gave he to Jehoram; because he was the firstborn (v.3 KJ2000) This is the day of the LORD, we shall rejoice and be glad in it. May GOD deliver us from anything that will want to spoil our joy. May the flavor of the riches of GOD in Christ Jesus ever be with us. King Jehoshaphat was known to be a GOD-fearing king in his days. It would have been expected that everyone that would come from his loins would have been trained to fear GOD like he did. Perhaps Jehoram was trained so, but he refused to display this when he gained access to the throne after his father’s death. I was disturbed with the kind of training Jehoshaphat might have given to his children because it was clear that he gave gifts of silver and gold (the currencies and identities of wealth at that time) and precious things, but it was not clear that


WHAT HERITAGE HAVE YOU? – PROVERBS 13:1 – 25 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. (v.22 NKJV) To GOD be the glory, great things HE hath done; and many wonderful things HE is ever doing. This day shall not pass without you enjoying one of GOD’S great deeds. You shall be a testifier to good things of the LORD, in Jesus Christ name. Amen! There is a troubling issue about how people see and will want to live life in this age: the wrong notion that all about life is riches has made many to misbehave (some are still misbehaving) in their bid to get wealth and gain human glory. This is not that to gain wealth is not good, but gaining wealth unrighteously is evil. Almost everyone is working hard to get riches and see to it that he/she lives this wealth for children and grand children to enjoy after; though, some people will prefer to eat it all and die with it. I believe there is wealth the LORD will


THIS BEAST WILL BE CAPTURED – REVELATION 19:11 – 21 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. (v.20 NKJV) It does not matter how long falsehood or lies, evil or wickedness, sin or Satan run their course(s), an end will come one day, and there shall be no more energy for performance. This day, may the LORD dry up the energy of the enemy of your soul; may HE make every war against your well-being to cease, in Jesus name.  As you read through this passage of the Holy Scriptures, I will like you not the different titles the Lord, our Saviour, Jesus Christ carries – He was called Faithful and True, the righteous judge, And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which he overcomes the nations; His name is called The Word of God. - And He has on His robe and on His thi


IT SHALL BE JOY AND REJOICING AFTER-REVELATION 19:1-10 After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, "Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God! (v.1 NKJV) After every event or activity in a day or season, everyone involved would always like to settle down, rejoice, be glad and make merry when the story goes well; and when not,  the ones involved would be thinking out plans and strategies to get a better result next time;  this is being hopeful. It is another day of activities, and this may involve several events; I pray that you come forth rejoicing at the end. May the LORD give strength to your faith and make your hope give birth to the truth in reality. Beloved, there is a life after the one spent here on the planet earth. There is another future in a new body. There are two places prepared for this life hereafter; but one can only take part in just a place. There is a place called the Heaven and there is H


DO NOT ADMIT ANOTHER LAW IN MARRIAGE – MARK 10:1 - 12 Some Pharisees came to him and tried to trap him. "Tell us," they asked, "does our Law allow a man to divorce his wife?"(v.2 GNB) ​ Good laws are spelt out to guide and to keep people from doing wrong things; but the enemy of the soul understands the limitations of the power of the law, so he works in people to re-create laws to suit their sinful intentions. I pray that the Spirit of the Almighty GOD will guide your heart in the truth of HIS word. May He preserve and keep you and all yours from every evil. May the program of the enemy never prevail in you, in your home, in your business, and in all your affairs, in Jesus name. Marriage is indeed honourable; and every party involved should be live honourably in accordance with the term of reference till death will do the parting. Let everyone going into marriage understand the terms according to the will of GOD. The honour and beauty of marriage cannot be achie


DO NOT CONTINUE IN THE WRONG – JUDGES 17:1 – 13 He told his mother, "When someone stole those eleven hundred pieces of silver from you, you put a curse on the robber. I heard you do it. Look, I have the money. I am the one who took it." His mother said, "May the LORD bless you, my son!" (v.2 GNB) To GOD be the glory for all HE is doing in our lives. I pray that HE continue to be our King and Shepherd through the Grace in HIS Son, Jesus Christ and by the help of HIS Spirit. Amen! Wrong deeds are prevalent in our world today; and many people had taken what is wrong to be right as they live under the deceit and the control of the common enemy of the soul of mankind. I pray that GOD’S Spirit will prevail in us and in all that we do, that we dwell not in wrongs and that we get it right when we go wrong. The young man in this story, Micah, was wrong to have taken his mother’s money without prior notice; and he decided to restore when he heard that his mother had place


GOD’S WONDERS HAVE NO END – JOB 9:1 – 14 We cannot understand the great things he does, and to his miracles there is no end (v.10 GNB) Believe this, it is a wonder to be alive this day. There are several tormentors by day and terrors by night in the past days and seasons; yet GOD kept us safely because of HIS love. May other wonderful works of GOD be made manifest in your affairs this time; may you be changed as HE makes you a wonder to many. Job and his friends got on with words according to their knowledge and understanding of the works of GOD in their time and among their people. No one could believe what happened to Job could be his portion at that time; the friends thought he had offended GOD in a way and what he was going through was part of his punishments; the wife advised him to curse GOD and die. Job had no ready answer, but he could share in a way what he had understood about the mighty GOD. Reading through this portion of the Bible should make us think of the greatness o


CHANGE OF STORY, CHANGE OF LIFE - JOHN 9:24 – 38 He therefore answered, “I don’t know if he is a sinner. One thing I do know: that though I was blind, now I see.”  (v.25 WEB) There are many things known to you that other people do not know; and there are other things about you that cannot be hidden; some can easily be identified with and others cannot; I pray the LORD GOD touches every department of your life and remove from you things that make others not to identify with you because they are shameful or disgraceful, in Jesus Christ name. When the man that was born blind was a beggar, no one could call him to be witness to any significant event, but when Jesus Christ touched and made him well, he became sought after. He could preach to the custodian of the law what he had known, what he had touched and what he had experienced. He was proud of it and no one could change his testimony about the Man who gave him sight and a new life. He knew the Man would not have been a sinner; he kn


DO NOT DOUBT THIS JESUS CHRIST – JOHN 9:12 – 23 Some therefore of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, because he doesn’t keep the Sabbath.” Others said, “How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?” There was division among them.HYPERLINK "_XREF_722014208:671875584|tw://bible.*?id=40.12.2|verse:43.9.16|modid:web" (v.16 WEB) Since Christ was born thousands of years ago, and even after His death and resurrection, the enemy had never stopped attacking Him or His name, or anyone that bears His name, or has experienced the loving-kindness of GOD through faith in His name. May the Lord be pleased to defend His name in your life. When a people were to be glad that someone was truly helped out of infirmity by Jesus Christ, and that others with different forms of afflictions were taken to Him for help, they were instead questioning the authenticity of the miracle, especially when it was done on a Sabbath. These people refused to have their mindset changed to accommodate


FRIEND, LET YOUR HANDS BE STRONG – ZECHARIAH 8:9-17 "Thus says the LORD of hosts: 'Let your hands be strong, You who have been hearing in these days These words by the mouth of the prophets, Who spoke in the day the foundation was laid For the house of the LORD of hosts, That the temple might be built. (v.9 NKJV) For reasons that may not be far-fetched, many people had lost the chances for their uplifting and breakthroughs in life. Careless or foolish talks or jestings (unbridled tongue), foolish spending and abuse of funds; engagement with immoral peers and involvement in wicked practices; do not forget laziness, lackadaisical attitude, faithlessness, unfaithfulness and the unwillingness to make right changes at the appropriate time as some of the reasons that have affected other people in life. I pray that the mercy of GOD will be shown to us again this time, and we will not take this chance in vain. It is well with you in Jesus name. GOD was strong in HIS declaration


WHAT CAN GOD NOT DO? ZECHARIAH 8:1 – 8 This is what the Lord of armies has said: If this is a wonder to the rest of this people, is it a wonder to me? says the Lord of armies. (v.6 BBE) I hope you are already singing the victor’s song, because it shall happen according as you have believed Christ in GOD for it. The era of the long-wait is over, there shall be answer of good from the LORD. Do not forget that nothing is impossible with GOD. GOD delivered a prophetic message through Prophet Zechariah to HIS beloved children of Israel and Judah that were scattered and were held captive in foreign lands; the message seemed too simple to believe; and even when the LORD was accomplishing it, many would wonder if it was possible; but GOD was saying it is simple for HIM to do. May you begin to experience the wonders of this prophetic message. May our land be renewed and blessed by it. May the effect of Christ be real in our world. I will like you to observe the tone of this message through