
Showing posts from August, 2017


DO WHAT YOU CAN IN RIGHTEOUSNESS – MARK 14:1-11 She has done what she was able: she has put oil on my body to make it ready for its last resting-place (v.8 BBE) Truly, there is no other GOD like HE who made the heaven and the earth. Let us continue to sing of HIS goodness and HIS love. I pray that you are made strong by the Spirit of GOD to be a blessing to someone today and that you be a joy to this GOD. May you grow in the grace to love HIM and HIS Christ always. At a period when people were to be sober, reflecting on the victory and love of GOD at Passover, some people were planning to crucify the King of Glory, Jesus Christ. They wanted to take Him by deceit; it is evil they could think of doing to a good man. At this same period, a woman was thinking of what to do show her appreciation to GOD and to the Son of GOD who brought her hope and new life. This woman came with a bottle of perfumed oil of great price; she broke the bottle and poured the perfume on the Lord’s head. This


THE LEADER’S ENCOURAGING WORDS–2 CHRON.30:13-27 Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who had good understanding in the Lord's work. So the people ate the seven-day appointed feast, offering peace offerings, making confession [and giving thanks] to the Lord, the God of their fathers(v.22 AMP) GOD is our Supreme leader; may HE be pleased to speak encouragingly to your hearts today. I pray that every moment of your day shall bring you great encouragement and you shall be glad in HIM. GOD ordered the feast of Passover to remind the people about how HE rescued their grandparents from the house of bondage in Egypt. The people and their kings, since the days of Solomon, failed to keep this ordinance and they were expecting GOD to fulfill HIS part of the covenant while the people failed in theirs. This time, it may not be about the feast of Passover for you; but are you truly keeping regular fellowship with the LORD your GOD and the Christ that saved you? King Hezekiah was s


THE LEADER’S ENCOURAGING WORDS–2 CHRON.30:13-27 Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who had good understanding in the Lord's work. So the people ate the seven-day appointed feast, offering peace offerings, making confession [and giving thanks] to the Lord, the God of their fathers(v.22 AMP) GOD is our Supreme leader; may HE be pleased to speak encouragingly to your hearts today. I pray that every moment of your day shall bring you great encouragement and you shall be glad in HIM. GOD ordered the feast of Passover to remind the people about how HE rescued their grandparents from the house of bondage in Egypt. The people and their kings, since the days of Solomon, failed to keep this ordinance and they were expecting GOD to fulfill HIS part of the covenant while the people failed in theirs. This time, it may not be about the feast of Passover for you; but are you truly keeping regular fellowship with the LORD your GOD and the Christ that saved you? King Hezekiah was s


GO, TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT TO DO – 2 CHRON.30:1-12  So runners went with letters from the king and his chiefs through all Israel and Judah, by the order of the king, saying, O children of Israel, come back again to the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, so that he may come again to that small band of you which has been kept safe out of the hands of the kings of Assyria (v.6 BBE) May GOD be praised for HIS enduring mercy and unfailing love. HE is doing wonderful things in us, to us and for us; may we not be ungrateful to again. To you be the glory LORD, in Jesus name, Hezekiah was one of the last kings of Judah before the Babylonians took the people captives. But several years before he became king, the people of Israel had been scattered among the other nations, only few people (the remnant) were left in the initially allotted lands. Note that they were warned to desist from their wicked ways, but when they changed not, GOD gave them over to their enemies to torment and sca


WHERE IS YOUR NEW LOCATION? – ROMANS 6:13 - 23 But now, being free from sin, and having been made servants to God, you have your fruit in that which is holy, and the end is eternal life. (v.22 BBE) Of a truth, our yesterday had several opportunities buried in it; thank GOD for the HIS graciousness; HIS love and HIS mercy that lasts forever through the blood of Jesus Christ that is ever speaking better things on our behalf. A new opportunity the LORD opens up in every new day; may today not be different; and may the Spirit of the LORD help us to deal rightly in all matters. Amen! Sin places everyone that is a slave to it in a very bad and pitiful condition and situation. Once sin gets into a life, several ‘emissaries of sin’ will crawl in; and that life becomes a slave to it. There is a new position for you; there is a new location where there is hope and better life. There is a new strength to deny ungodliness and embrace righteousness and all forms of godliness. The good LORD has


FOR FATHER ABRAHAM’S SAKE – GENESIS 19:24 - 38 And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when He overthrew the cities in which Lot had dwelt. (v.29 NKJV) By the mercy of GOD that endures forever, we are not consumed. GOD’S hands are spread out again this day waiting to embrace children with understanding that will recognize and appreciate HIS love that is revealed in and through Jesus Christ. May the power of the love of GOD save us from all evils; may we get to know GOD better in our affairs this time. No evil will prevail longer than necessary; GOD, the keeper of time will make good things happen to us this time. It shall be well with us in Jesus name. GOD in HIS time, decided to put an end to the reign of evil and all forms of wickedness, immorality and ungodliness that was all over the land of Sodom. Everyone had been stained in a way; and there was no one to intercede and rescue


GOD KNOWS YOUR CAPACITY – 1 CORINTHIANS 10:12 - 23 For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you {and} laid hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let you be tempted {and} tried {and} assayed beyond your ability {and} strength of resistance {and} power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place), that you may be capable {and} strong {and} powerful to bear up under it patiently (v.13 AMP) To GOD be the Glory for all things and for every event in life. I trust that your life in HIS hand is better than in anywhere else. May the events in your life work together for your


NOTE THE WARNING MARKERS – 1 CORINTHIANS 10:1 - 11 These are all warning markers--DANGER!--in our history books, written down so that we don't repeat their mistakes. Our positions in the story are parallel--they at the beginning, we at the end--and we are just as capable of messing it up as they were (v.11 MSG) GOD is so gracious and full of mercy; HE does not want anyone to be destroyed by Satan, HIS arch-enemy. I pray that every programme of GOD to keep you from the destructive plans of the enemy will yield good results; may you be one of GOD’S instruments to put HIS enemy to shame, in Jesus Christ name.   In this portion of the letter to the Corinthian Church, the writer reminded the reader of GOD’S graciousness and mercy to the people that escaped the torments of the Egyptians and passed through the red sea unruffled under Moses. The same red sea overthrew and swallowed the enemy of the people. These people experienced different miracles of GOD as they moved through the wild


COME TO THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD – ISAIAH 2:1 - 11 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. (v.3 KJV) GOD made prophet Isaiah to see into the future; and the prophet did not refrain in making the revelation of the LORD known to the people. I pray that you will receive fresh revelation from the LORD too; may you be empowered by the grace in Jesus Christ to carry out the word of GOD accordingly. It shall be well with you! To the people of Judah and Jerusalem, there are obviously several mountains, and different things go on in these mountains; from the supposed worship of GOD to the clear worship of idols. Prophets of false gods getting to themselves people that have lost the knowledge of the true GOD. Because the mountains are polluted, the lands become the ho


YOU CAN’T HOLD CHRIST AND SIN TOGETHER - ROMANS 6:1 - 14 Having knowledge that because Christ has come back from the dead, he will never again go down to the dead; death has no more power over him. (v.9 BBE) Many times, we do things wrongly because we do not know or understand what Jesus Christ had done for us on the cross at calvary and in the grave within the period He was there. I pray that we wake up to the true realities of the work of salvation and that we gain the power to operate in total victory in Christ Jesus. Thanks be to GOD for the Grace of salvation that we obtained by faith in Jesus Christ. Sin will no longer have dominion over us! There is a continuous struggle for the soul of man, Satan is bent on winning hearts to himself by deceits and make them hell-bound. This will not come to pass in your life and in mine. That is why you must know what victory Christ has given you and you must hold it to the end. Your claim to be for Christ on one hand and holding on to the


BE AMONG THE UNDEFILED FEW – REVELATION 3:1 - 6 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy (v.4 KJV) Dear LORD, thank you for the opportunity before us to praise your name; we shall continue to be grateful. Please let the people who feel they have nothing to appreciate you for know that the gift of a life for a new day is enough. May we be numbered among your saints when the call is made for onward glory in Jesus name. When we carefully study this portion in the Holy Bible, as I will not want us to forget History, I, rather will want us to know that the events in those times are at play this time too. We therefore need to be careful how we walk and work. We should make amends where we have been failing and call out for help where and when necessary. Our help is in Christ Jesus, He is ever available. At the point of inspection, GOD looked and could not find the works of some people in this Chu


HE KNOWS YOUR STRENGTH – REVELATION 3:7 - 13  I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. (v.8 KJV) Holy are you LORD GOD of all creations. You are worthy to be praised; and forever we shall honor you in Jesus Christ name. There is something about you which is different from others; GOD the creator had made it so. There is something GOD had built you for that the people and the environment may know and enjoy GOD through it. I hope you have discovered this and that you are graciously using it for the glory of GOD. It is well with you! The LORD who knows all things about HIS creations revealed the state of the Church of Philadelphia in the then Asia minor. I know the word of GOD and HIS Spirit often times reveal the state of our lives to us too. It is important that we know this and get corrected. GOD will also reveal secrets and give direction to our paths


WHAT WISDOM IS AND WHAT IT IS NOT – PROV. 16:16-32 How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. (v.16 NKJV) Every day, the choice for life or death is before all; many people had wrongfully made the wrong choice; I pray that you will choose rightly and be named as one of the wise because of the Lord’s will. May the wisdom of GOD build, raise and make way for you. May the mark of the Kingdom of GOD be on you; may you live an exemplary life to the glory of GOD in Jesus name.  To make an appropriately right choice (after all the evidences before one) is wisdom; and this is in making a decision to follow GOD and have faith in His Jesus Christ, no matter how tough.  Wisdom is to show and lead the way to the power of salvation in Christ Jesus. Wisdom is to help the poor and helpless, and to strengthen the weak in the righteous means available to you. Wisdom is to offer truthful and godly solution to the disturbing questions in the


. I found this write up very enlightening. Copied and shared:    A NEEDLE CAN SAVE THE LIFE OF A STROKE PATIENT. This advice is from a Chinese Professor .  Keep a syringe or needle in the home to do this. It is amazing and an unconventional way of recoverig from stroke. Read it through and thereafter, pass it on, you never know, it can help somebody one day. This is amazing. Please keep these excellent tips very handy. Do take time to read this. You will never know, one’s life may depend on you. 'My father was paralysed and later died from the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aid before. When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst. When a stroke occurs, stay calm. No matter where the victim is, do not move him/her. Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst! Help the victim to sit up, where he/she can be prevented from falling over again and then the blood letting can begin. If you have an injection syringe in your home


WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING IN RETURN?– MARK 4:14 – 25 And he said unto them, Take heed what you hear: with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. (v.24 KJ2000) The season is obviously pregnant with many things, may there be a delivery of good and perfect gifts from the LORD to you. May the LORD’S way and will be expounded to you better; may you increase in true knowledge and may GOD make you of wise and understanding heart. You shall be gloriously fruitful in Jesus name.   The meaning to the parable of the sower was revealed to those who pressed further with Jesus, and asked relevant questions. The Lord was glad to expound this story to them; and I trust that the people became better in their relationship with GOD and HIS Christ. This is what the LORD delights in doing to those who seek to know HIM better. HE blesses them with what others cannot get; because they sought to know more and even better than they have heard before.


THE ONE WITH THE SECRET OF THE KINGDOM-MARK 4:1-13  And he said to them, To you is given the secret of the kingdom of God, but to those who are outside, all things are given in the form of stories; (v.11 BBE) Dear LORD, let mercy prevail as it concern us this time; help us to be in tune with you and to have good understanding of every secret and revelation; make us fruitful in your will in Jesus name. Jesus Christ taught a number of people using a parable or story; but no one could ask for the meaning to the story except the few that could follow Him up after His teachings; they were alone with Him and they were confident to ask for the meaning. There is a secret of pressing further with Christ here. Are there things going on with you that you do not understand, you may need to press further, wait after others have gone; get into a place without the crowd and be confident to ask for understanding from the giver of life. The person that can make this extra effort in righteousness wil


THERE SHALL BE A DIVINE VISITATION – ACTS 5:12-20 But in the night an angel of the Lord, opening the doors of the prison, took them out and said (v.19 BBE) I trust the LORD for a divine visitation for you this season; GOD shall minister to you differently and you shall rejoice greatly. The attacks you have suffered for a while now shall be divinely taken up; and every stress you have witnessed shall give way to peace. May GOD work things out well for you in Jesus name. Divine visitation can be for good, and it can turn out to be for destruction and mourning. But unto you, it shall turn out to be for good. Every event and attempt to harm you, shall bring forth good with great joy and rejoicing in Jesus Christ name. Amen! The Apostles, after the baptism in the Holy Spirit, were empowered for great exploits. Miracles were happening through them in unimaginable ways; fear gripped the heart of the people around them; and plenty people were turning to their fellowship. With these testimo


DO NOT AGREE TO THE WRONG – ACTS 5:1 – 11 But a man named Ananias--his wife, Sapphira, conniving in this with him--sold a piece of land, secretly kept part of the price for himself, and then brought the rest to the apostles and made an offering of it.(vv.1,2 MSG) Blessed GOD, may your name be praised forever in our lives. We thank you for all we have been through; and we thank you for all we will still go through; by the help of your grace, we trust that all things will work together for our good in Jesus name. The early Church was just given birth to by the Holy Spirit, and the people were flowing in unity, in love and were enjoying the power of His miracles, and the fear of GOD engulfed the people. In all these, Satan would not give up; he got Ananias and Sapphira to his side; and he got them destroyed. They lied to the Holy Spirit when they thought they were deceiving the Apostles.  Do not agree to be partner to any wrong plans or action. Your close pals or a member of your fami


LIVE TO PLEASE THE LORD  - PROVERBS 16:1 - 9 When a man's ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. (v.7  NKJV) Amazingly, we have made it to a new day and another season in the time of life; GOD must be honored in our lives all the way. I pray that HE will be total control of our lives and affairs. May GOD be pleased to bless our lives more and more in Jesus name.  The man of the Proverbs is bringing our attention to another secret of prospering and making good success – it is in pleasing the LORD of Glory. Because HE is the maker and the giver of all good and perfect gifts; HE is the ONE who makes all things beautiful in HIS time. HE knows the ending of a thing from its beginning; HE knows the right path to follow and HE is the best Helper in times of trouble and when in need. When one is having a good understanding of who GOD is and what HE does, then one lives to please HIM in all ways. May GOD rejoice over us!   The great way to make your way


ANOINTED FOR SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT – ISAIAH 61:1-11 "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; (v.1 NKJV)  Some people are of the opinion that only the Pastors or other called ministers of the Gospel are the people anointed to do the  assignments of preaching the Gospel, ministering healing to the sick, conducting deliverance and to enjoy special blessings from GOD. But I see prophet Isaiah delivering to us GOD’S counsel that the Holy Spirit is delivered to every willing soul that is thirsting for GOD in righteousness and in truth; and Jesus Christ is the key and the door to enjoying this unction. Are you saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ? The Spirit of the Lord GOD must find a place to operate the works of GOD in and through you; it is a double pack package – He (Holy Spirit