
Showing posts from April, 2017


GOD WILL NOT FAIL YOU – HEBREWS 10:19 – 31  Now we can look forward to the salvation God has promised us. There is no longer any room for doubt, and we can tell others that salvation is ours, for there is no question that he will do what he says. (v.23 LB) As I write this piece, I feel strong to sing a common chorus; “I never know that you will honour me this way; I never know you will honour me this way…. Thank you my GOD!” It is a great thing to have this great GOD as the LORD. I do not know if you have ever had that splendid feeling of GOD’S presence with you. In spite of my irregular behavior before HIM, HE never fails in supporting and helping me. I pray that you continue to have the LORD’S presence with you in Jesus name. Jesus’ death and resurrection pave the way for GOD’S presence that everyone may enjoy it. It is not pleasant losing GOD’S presence, even when HE wants to be with us all the time. Yet GOD will not hang around us when we dwell in sin, because sin commands the


THE SECRET OF THE LORD - PSALM 25 The secret of the Lord is with those in whose hearts is the fear of him; he will make his agreement clear to them. (v.14 BBE) I trust that as you lift your soul to GOD this time, may HE flood your life with resounding testimonies of HIS goodness. May sorrow, pains, and all forms of displeasure flee from you. May you know the power of redemption of GOD in Jesus name. The Psalmist poured out his heart to the LORD his GOD. He knew where the help he needed in the time of trouble can come from. May be he had tried reporting his issues to other people and he had been disappointed on several occasions; this time, his face and faith is set on the GOD who can help and give total victory in all issues. I trust that you are doing the needful now – you are committing your case to GOD in the name of Jesus Christ. Please believe this, your hope will not fade and your faith shall be righteously rewarded as you cling to GOD through Christ. Beloved, the secret of t


PEOPLE WITH A WILLING SPIRIT – HAGGAI 1:1 - 15 Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the LORD their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet, as the LORD their God had sent him; and the people feared the presence of the LORD. (v.12 NKJV) Blessed is anyone that the LORD can release HIS words to for correction, for rebuke, for comfort and for direction. I strongly pray that you are one of the blessed of the LORD this time and always. May GOD’S word be highly honoured and practiced in your life. May GOD restore to you hope and joy in Jesus name. When the LORD was ready to turn the captivity of HIS people, Israel, HE expected that they would go about the business of rebuilding the temple, the people and the broken down walls. Thank GOD for leaders like Joshua, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah and Haggai; and a host of others who were willing to see GOD’S word carried out irrespective of th


KING DAVID PARDONED THEM – 2 SAMUEL 19:16 – 34 And said to him, Let me not be judged as a sinner in your eyes, O my lord, and do not keep in mind the wrong I did on the day when my lord the king went out of Jerusalem, or take it to heart. (v.19 BBE) Our GOD is good, and HIS mercy is forever. Jesus Christ once taught that blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. I trust that you will enjoy the mercy of GOD that always flow in the blood of HIS Son, Jesus Christ and HIS joy shall fill your heart. A deep and true reflection of the season we are in makes us realize how merciful the LORD GOD is to us all. Though, some of us in several ways fail to recognize this mercy, yet GOD’S arms are opened to us still through Jesus Christ; and as many as call on His name shall be saved.  May GOD be ever praised! Shimei truly hurt king David when Absalom dethroned him, that he had to flee for his life (Read more in 2 Samuel 16). But by the mercy of GOD on David, GOD restored him; and th


ARE YOU HURTING INSIDE? – ROMANS 12:9 – 21 Do not take revenge, dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written, “Vengeance belongs to me. I will pay them back, declares the Lord.” (v.19 ISV) Halleluiah, it is another day of joy, peace, favor and breakthroughs; no matter the likes of the mountains to hinder, or the valleys to create fear, I have confidence in the power of a Mighty GOD and that the efforts of Jesus Christ on the cross will not be in vain. The horns of the wicked shall be broken and those of the righteous in the LORD shall be exalted. Amen! We live in a world where the show of true love is scarce. A lot of people have been hurt, and many others are hurting and waiting for wounds in their heart to heal up. Who shall help us? What shall heal us? Jesus Christ is the answer and that is by His Spirit. The tendency to pay back in the same manner you were hurt is always there; moreover, you may feel that you need to teach the other person a lesson so that he


LET THE TRUE KING RETURN – 2 SAMUEL 19:9 – 17 And the hearts of the men of Judah were moved like one man; so that they sent to the king, saying, Come back, with all your servants.(v.14 BBE) Dear LORD, let the breaking of the day bring forth the Sun of Righteousness with healing and new life in its wings on your people. Let there be great manifestations of great benefits of knowing Jesus Christ as the Lord and King of our lives. Amen! When a righteous king reigns, the people in the kingdom rejoice; but when the ruler is of the wicked stock, the people mourn.  Absalom’s evil desire sent king David out of his throne for a while; and when Absalom was defeated, the people who had earlier followed after Absalom were reluctant to bring back the original king to his throne. The true king of every life is Jesus Christ, but when the deceiver (the thief, the killer, the dragon or Satan also called Lucifer) comes into any life, he would claim the rulership and suffers the person in much afflic


DEAL WITH THE OFFENCIVE MOOD– 2 SAMUEL 19:1 – 10 And Joab came into the house to the king and said, Today you have put to shame the faces of all your servants who even now have kept you and your sons and your daughters and your wives and all your women safe from death;(v.5 BBE) By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, this shall be a day of joy and rejoicing for you and for all with you. May there be testimonies of favor, victory and good successes in your camp, family office or organization. May your sorrows turned to joy. Absaslom, one of the sons of king David, sought to be king in the place of his father. He did not wait till his father’s death; he rather sought to overthrow his father. He nearly succeeded but for the help of GOD, king David would have been overthrown and sent on exile by his own son. This would have been a disgrace and a smite on the covenant of GOD with David. Do you have the Lord’s covenant on/with you? How secured are you in your office or at home, or in your ar


THE NEW LIFE IN CHRIST – ROMANS 12:1 – 8 And let not your behaviour be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God. (v.2 BBE) “I must go with GOD at any length, no matter the roughness of the road. I must go all the way… I must go with GOD”. This was part of a chorus that was common with us at our Christian fellowship years ago. I trust that the Spirit of the LORD will let this confession be true and real in us from this moment and on.  Beloved, I will like to ask what your decision has being since you have heard about the sufferings, the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ for the redemption or salvation of your soul. Has your behavior taken a new turn for the better? Do you feel you now enjoy a peace from GOD that cannot be compared in anyway? Do you still have something about your life that you are struggling with? Please turn it to Jesus Christ; lay it at th


GOD IS PARTICULAR ABOUT YOU - EZEKIEL 2:1 - 10 But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you." (v.8 NIV) I serve a very Big GOD, who is always by my side; a very Big GOD O, by my side all the time. What is your song, what is your testimony concerning GOD the Creator? May the LORD have HIS way fully in you and in all that concern you in Jesus name. GOD has a special concern for you, friend. There are billions of people all over the world, yet you have special consideration before HIM. HE called out to all but many will not listen to HIM. HE had worked several miracles in peoples’ lives, yet a lot of people will not give attention to HIS sayings. This time, HE is calling you out specifically, and HE is giving out specific instructions HE wants you to abide with and carry out rightly. The case of the people of Israel, according to the Holy Scriptures was pathetic. They had a GOD who was always lo


TAKE UP YOUR CROSS DAILY – LUKE 9:18 - 27 And he said to all, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (v.23 RSV) This day, I pray you will no longer live by what people have been describing Jesus Christ to be, but that you will know Him and have His Spirit live in you for real. Your testimony of Christ shall be real and true. May He guide you in your daily walk with Him. Jesus Christ denied self and position; He bore a cross and died the most shameful death, are you willing to deny yourself of all pleasures of self and follow Christ without shame? GOD help you! There is a cross that Jesus carried and on it was He nailed and killed. There is s cross you must also carry daily for you to be a true disciple of Christ and live victoriously on this earth. The cross to be daily carried is not the metallic or wooden pendant around your neck. The cross you are to carry daily is not a symbol of your sufferings, misfortunes or any


THE GOD OF THE WHOLE EARTH – 1 KINGS 20:22 – 34 The man of God came up and told the king of Israel, "This is what the LORD says: 'Because the Arameans think the LORD is a god of the hills and not a god of the valleys, I will deliver this vast army into your hands, and you will know that I am the LORD.'" (v.28 NIV) GOD is the creator of the heaven and the earth, and all things within them. HE is the GOD of all and nothing shall be likened to HIM. HE is the only ONE to be served and worshipped. May this GOD be yours forever; may HE guard and guide you unto the end. May other gods bow to the name of GOD in you. Amen! At the word of GOD from the mouth of HIS prophet, king Ahab gathered his army and attacked king Benhadad and his army that had been enemy of his Israel. GOD proved HIS name high above all other gods that other people served and worshipped. The army of Benhadad may look great and mighty, but GOD strengthened the army of Israel and they defeated them all.
THERE SHALL BE DELIVERANCE TODAY–1 KINGS 20:13-21   Meanwhile a prophet came to Ahab king of Israel and announced, "This is what the LORD says: 'Do you see this vast army? I will give it into your hand today, and then you will know that I am the LORD.'" (v.13 NIV) GOD is speaking, may you hear HIM well. As the heaven, the sky and the earth declare the glory of the LORD, I trust that you shall show forth HIS praise and glory too. May you see HIS favour and help all round you in Jesus Christ name. Amen! Benhadad and the Syrians besieged Ahab and his people; but GOD sent a word of comfort for strength through HIS prophet. Ahab the king acted on this word and he made the right advances to occupy what the LORD had promised through the mouth of HIS prophet. A better prophet has come; He has with Him your healing and deliverance. The direction for your movement is with Him; you need to respond to His call today. Jesus Christ is the real prophet; He is interested in your w


RESURRECTION: WHO IS IN DOUBT? – 1 CORINTH.15:12-25 Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? (v.12 NKJV) Victory, Victory, Halleluiah, Jesus conquered the devil completely. The strife is over the battle done, now is the victor’s triumph won. Now the song of praise began. Halleluia! A lot of things are to be doubted, but doubt not the resurrection of Christ. People may mock your claim because they do not know the truth; you hold on to the confession of your hope without wavering, for the faithful GOD is watching over all. I pray that GOD will through you manifest the power of the resurrection of Christ this time. May you not just be a living witness, may you be one of the channels to demonstrate GOD’S power in Christ. When Jesus Christ was crucified according to one of the account of the Gospels, the Chief priests and Pharisees gathered together to Pilate to get permission for super security


TRUE AND UNENDING COMMUNION–1 CORINTH. 11:17 – 34 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes. (v.26 NKJV) I desire a continuous relationship with the Mighty GOD and Jesus Christ and I know HE will not deny me as I seek HIM in the way as I feel led by HIS Holy Spirit. How about you? Some people desired to be connected to others because of the influence these people command in the society; but GOD desires to be connected to all people, and that all people be connected to HIM because HE commanded the greatest of all influences. Jesus Christ had a supper with His fellows about the time He was to be crucified and He commanded His Disciples to keep on the communion so that they may continually be reminded of His sufferings and His death. The Apostles got the message and they did their best to share it among their followers. But at Corinth, the story became different; the body of believers had turned the Lord’s command to disjoin


HE WENT THROUGH ALL THESE FOR US – MARK 15:22-39 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which is translated, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (v.34 NKJV) This is a time to render special songs in thanksgiving to GOD and to Jesus Christ the Savior, and our Lord, as we are reminded of what Jesus went through to win for us a glorious place with GOD the Father. It is victory on earth that no devil can contend with. It is a victory the heaven looked forward to see. I pray that this labour of Christ will not go unfulfilled in your life and in the life of all with you. It is victory at last in Jesus name.   I will implore you to take good time to study this chapter of the Holy Bible (and other related chapters); do not rush out; your ability to do all things and come out successful is in the work done on the cross by Jesus Christ. It is a time of sober reflection too. May be you work on a retreat for y


WHAT WILL YOU DO THIS TIME?- MATTHEW 26:1 – 13 But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, "Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me. (v.10 RSV) Another season to remind us of the price paid for our redemption by the Lord, Jesus Christ is here; I pray that the Lord’s labour for the salvation of our souls shall not be in vain. It is well with you! Many times, wicked plots were desired against our lives; and for all that are witnessing the breaking of a new day, we have every reason to thank GOD ALMIGHTY for the victory through Christ. The enemy moved the people to plot the death of the Lord, and they sought for an appropriate occasion to do it. Jesus knew all of this and He was preparing Himself for it. He visited a friend, Simon the leper at that time and a wonderful woman paid him a visit too - a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head, as he sat at table. - The woman did not just visit, b


WHEN THE ENEMY SETS TO ENSLAVE – 1 KINGS 20:1 – 12 Now Ben-Hadad king of Aram mustered his entire army. Accompanied by thirty-two kings with their horses and chariots, he went up and besieged Samaria and attacked it. (v.1 NIV) By the grace of GOD in Christ Jesus, the light of GOD must shine on you and shatter every form of darkness in and around you; the enemy shall no longer exact, outwit and afflict you; the wicked one shall not prevail again in all that concern you. May the Lord anoint you and lift your hand to victory in Jesus name. King Benhadad of Syria felt very influential in those times; he gathered up strength and besieged Samaria. He made unrighteous demands from Ahab, the king of his people; and at a time when this demand was getting too much for Ahab to comply with; he rebelled and denied Benhadad his requests. This is how the enemy of our soul treats us; once he can have a way into a territory, he will continue to make unrighteous demands. Many people have been enslave


THE NEW OPERATING SYSTEM – 2 CORINTHIANS 5:12 – 21 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. (v.16 NKJV) Over the years, hardware technologies have seen different softwares to drive it. Software is the program that runs the hardware. The core of the software is the operating system (OS); it is the life of any hardware before other applications could work with it. Gone are the days of Microsoft Windows DOS and other OS to drive the then technology. Now, MS windows, Apple, Linux, Unix  and others have been improved on and the ‘android’ has joined to drive smart phones. GOD never allows our lives to be run under the influence of the ‘old man’ too; HE gave us Jesus Christ, who eventually gave us the Holy Spirit to work with. I pray that your life will receive the needed transformation by the power in the life and the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the savior. Amen! In this new li


LET US REMIND OURSELVES AGAIN–2 CORINTHIANS 5:1 - 11 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. (v.10 NKJV) This is a glorious day; may the brightness of the day reflect the brightness and glory of GOD in our lives. Nothing could stop the day from breaking, and so shall nothing be able to stop the wonderful works of GOD in your life and mine in Jesus name. This is a good time to remind ourselves again of a more beautiful home, which is not made with human hands; I trust the LORD that our labour and activities here will not deny us that rest of GOD and a glorious home with HIM, HIS Christ and HIS angels.  It has become a common saying now that this world is not our home, we are just passing through. One day, this body of flesh shall be laid down and a new body that is immortal will be put on. This body of flesh cannot make it to the home of glory where GOD is; i


DO NOT REBEL AGAINST YOUR CREATOR–ISAIAH 66:14-24 "And they shall go forth and look on the dead bodies of the men that have rebelled against me; for their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh." (v.24 RSV) The heaven, the earth and everything within these belong to the LORD; you are the LORD’S too. There is nothing about you that is a secret to GOD, because HE made you; HE formed you in your mother’s womb; and HE caused you to come forth gracefully; you were not aborted and the enemy of life has not terminated your life in the course of events in life. Let GOD be graciously praised in and through you. Give HIM the honour and glory HE deserves. HE is the LORD; there is none like Him. When you look around, you see people in different shapes and sizes; people in different colors and in different characters/attitudes. You also see different events happening to all. But I will like you see yourself as one with a diffe


GOD SHALL DO WONDERS IN YOU - ISAIAH 66:1- 14 Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She gave birth to her children. (v.8 NKJV) This season, the word of the LORD to comfort, strengthen and deliver you from all pains and afflictions of the enemy shall not fail; and you shall be comforted in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen! God is set to do several marvelous things in and around you; many people shall see them and shall rejoice with you. The hand of the LORD will be known to you as you press to know HIM. There are lots of good things set to happen to you this season as you fear the LORD and honor HIS word in your life. You obviously have never known a season like this one in all your days on the surface of the earth. The LORD HIMSELF shall do the amazing things by HIS power through HIS Holy Spirit. Amen! I will like you to carefully look into the word of


EXERCISE FAITH AND PATIENCE - HEBREWS 6:11 – 20 We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.(v.12 NIV) Have you observed that the number of hours in a whole day remains twenty-four (24); it does not matter whether we experience longer (or shorter) day and shorter (or longer) night. The sun still comes out in its season; the moon likewise; the heat and the rain at their times; yet the hours in the day remains the same. GOD makes all things beautiful in HIS time; may this be your time to be favored and decorated with the beauty of GOD. I have seen people in troubles and distresses, and I had also experienced same; yet I have enjoyed the faithfulness of GOD. Sometimes when people are in deep troubles, it would be to them like the hours of the day were extended; and in such times, such people would pray that GOD shorten the hours that the pains or troubles they were going through would end soon. May be you are in


OTHERS MAY FAIL, YOU WILL NOT - HEBREWS 6:1 – 11 Even though we speak like this, dear friends, we are confident of better things in your case - things that accompany salvation. (v.9 NIV) You are one of GOD’S investments on the surface of the earth, and I trust that at the end of all things GOD will rejoice over you. Several other people may fail GOD; I trust that you will not fail HIM. As the day breaks in on you, and the sun shines on your path, may the Spirit of GOD strengthen you for a better performance than you had ever done; may HE make you glad and give you reasons to rejoice in GOD today in Jesus name. Every good leader is always looking forward to a great performance from his/her subordinates. The good teacher will always trust that his/her products will bring forth glory some day. The LORD sent Jesus Christ for a great task of human redemption (after Eve and Adam failed HIM), and the Savior failed GOD not. Jesus Christ is raising you and me to be another instrument of glor


GOD FOUGHT FOR HIM – GENESIS 12:10 - 20 But GOD hit Pharaoh hard because of Abram's wife Sarai; everybody in the palace got seriously sick. (v.17 MSG) Someone once said; when you are down to nothing, GOD is up to something; this is true as you trust GOD for all things in your life. I trust that GOD will divinely show up for you today. Amen! It baffles me a lot when I read of what happened to the land GOD showed and permitted HIS friend to step in and dwell. How could the land be hit with what seems like a curse – a severe famine? Why did it have to be when the blessed Abram was there? For the fact that you are sure of GOD’S call or leading in your life, does not guarantee that all things will be going smoothly all the time for you. There will be times of heavy rain and flooding; and there will be times of dryness and famine; but in all these, GOD in whom you have trusted will never leave you nor forsake you. I discovered that GOD followed the Patriarch, Abram to the Egypt he ran


IN WHOM DO YOU OPERATE? - JOHN 5:16 – 30 Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. (v.19 NKJV) Who do you copy what you do from? Jesus Christ boldly declared that He could do nothing of His own except what He sees in the Father. Your claim to be a child of GOD may not be our problem, but are you sure that what you are doing are inspired by the Spirit of GOD in you? In what ways do you lie against GOD and against His Spirit? I am sure that when you do what is not Christ like, and you claim to belong to GOD through Christ, the Spirit of GOD in you will not permit your heart to rest until you make amends (except your conscience is dead). GOD calls you into a relationship with HIM, and as you make progress and walk with HIM in the Spirit, HE is willing to reveal more things and have more things committed into your hands; and nothing s


THE DIVINE INSTRUCTION – GENESIS 12:1 – 9 GOD told Abram: "Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you. (v.1 MSG) GOD knows all about you friend; your now, your future and even your yesterday was not hidden from HIM. This day, be truly humbled before HIM and praise HIS name. GOD loves you! GOD who knows all things and can see all things better knew what Father Abram did not know and HE saw what Abram could not see. Where this patriarch was residing should be comfortable for and enough to accommodate him and those that would be added to him; but GOD instructed him to leave and to go to a place HE would show or reveal to him. This was contrary to common knowledge; to the common human mind, it is better to work with what you have at hand than working with what you have not seen nor acquired. But when GOD is involved in a matter, HIS instructions may not be too good for common mind. GOD has good plan for you this season; HE knows whe


AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE MIRACLE WORKER-JOHN 5:1-15 But he answered them, "The man who healed me said to me, 'Take up your pallet, and walk.'" (v.11 RSV) You are welcome into this season of great changes for the better. The GOD of wonders has plans to favor a lot of people and make the enemy of the soul be disappointed in them because of Jesus Christ. You are one of the chosen of GOD for a complete life-transforming encounter this season; you shall not miss this great and favorable event in your life. You shall know the LORD and HIS works in your life shall make the difference. Many impotent and unfortunate folks were at the pool the day Jesus Christ changed the story of the man that had been in that sorry state for thirty-eight years; but to none was it recorded that a miracle took place but for this man who had lost hope in the help of other people. GOD knew this and HE gave him divine help through the meeting with the Lord, Jesus Christ. This season I believe has b


THE UNCHANGING CHANGER  - GENESIS 1:1 – 19 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; (v.14 NKJV) Times are changing, events are changing, seasons are changing; people are changing (some for good and others to bad), but GOD never changes; HE remains the same even when HE permits other things to change. HE is the creator of all things and the secret to all existence is with HIM. At HIS word things were set in order and those that were not came into being. May you have great encounter this season with the unchanging changer; may HE command great change(s) for good in your affairs and situations; may you be better in Jesus name. Amen!  GOD cannot change, but HE can change things. Initially, the earth that was said to be without form and in a chaotic manner; but at the command of GOD, the lights came, the firmament or sky came into being; the waters took their p